11 Gapokan ready for rice supply BPNT • Jogja Radar


KULONPROGO – Agency for Agriculture and Food (DPP) Kulonprogo has prepared 11 groups of joint farmers (Gapoktan) to provide rice. Rice is for the Non-Monetary Food Assistance Program (BPNT) for the Beneficiary Family (KPM)

"We discussed this, later a rice and egg aid for the family. a value of Rp 110,000. Distributed by e-food stands, said the chief of food crops DPP Kulonprogo Tri Hidayatun Friday (29/6).

He coordinates with the Bureau of the Social empowerment of women Child protection (Dinsos P3A) to calculate the rice needed for KPM.And of a month.In addition, it must determine the amount of rice that must be supplied.

"Including the stalls where rice will be provided by Gapoktan. No matter how much rice has to be distributed at the electronic food stalls, Gapoktan is ready, "said Hidayatun

." Until now, Gapoktan is responsible for providing rice for other programs. Such as Rice Rice (Rastra) or Regional Rice (Rasda), Sergap by Bulog.

Hidayatun optimistic Gapoktan can prepare the BPNT rice program. "The difficulty precisely determines the need for rice in each e-shop. Because not knowing the estimated demand for rice each receiver KPM BPNT, "said Hidayatun.

President Gapoktan Panca Manunggal Margiyono said Gapoktan responsible for the supply of rice to e-warung.He cooperated with Bulog as a as supplier of the Rastra program for KPM

"We are ready to respond to the need for rice for KPM through e-warung. Gapoktan we in a month able to produce about 100 tons of rice, "Margiyono said.

The badumption, the need of each e-shop each month three tons. It can therefore serve at least 30 e-stalls. "It's just that the district government should do the distribution of donations to avoid the overlap between Gapoktan," Margiyono said. (tom / iwa / mg1)

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