12 teenagers trapped in this cave cries after knowing a rescuer was killed


Bangkok, 12 Thai teenagers and a football coach saved from inside Tham Luang cave grieve to learn that a diver is dying in their rescue operation.

Teens and their coaches are informed of the fate of Saman Gunan, The Navy personnel was killed on July 6, when the team of doctors decided that they were strong enough to digest the news .

"Everyone is crying and expressing their sadness by writing a message on Lieutenant Saman's picture. They then observed a minute of silence to commemorate it, "said Jedsada Chokdamrongsuk, head of the Thai Ministry of Health.

The Thai government then released photos of teenagers who were revolving around a photo of the late Saman Gunan. (19659002) A total of 12 Thai teenagers who were rescued after being trapped in the cave for 17 days distributed their first video message.

From the top of the bed, they express their thanks In front of the camera, always with a mask of mouth and nose, they claim to be in good health.

Titan, who is 11 years old and is the youngest of the others, thanked the team of divers. Elite Forces of the Thai Navy. "I want to thank all the peers Titan said with a smile: [TRADUCTION] Titan and his friends thanked each other for their bed, and Nick, who is 15 years old, said in his message that his condition is safe.

"I am healthy now," he said, raising his hands and smiling "Thank you for your attention and attention, thank you for coming (to the cave) for us save. "

" Do not worry about me now, I've survived, "he added, then smiled." In the video played at a press conference on Saturday (14 / (19659002) Some of them claim to be eager to eat their favorite foods, such as pork and sushi rice.

"I want roast rice of pork and pork," says Pipat Photi, 15 years old, in front of the camera. "I want pine nuts," says Duangpetch Promtep, 13, laughing behind his mask

Meanwhile, Banpot Konkham, father of one dozen teens, said that when his son would leave the hospital, he would embrace her firmly. and told him that he loved him very much.

"I will also make her favorite soup," said Banpot. His son, Dom, is the captain of a teenage football team, but does he care about the mental health of his son?

"Children are not like adults, they can not control their emotions. In the dark conditions inside the cave, some of them must cry. I think many of them are afraid of the dark atmosphere, "said Bankot.

It is likely that teens are allowed to leave the hospital on Thursday (19/07) this Thai Minister of Health Piyasakol Sakolsatyadorn, Piyasakol also told them to avoid media interviews because they feared that this could have a negative impact on their mental health.

The Thai authorities will also include a team of companions to check the psychic state of the children after their return this weekend.The boy was able to recover physically and mentally while growing up, "he said.

Some of the teenagers lost weight up to five pounds, but their weight began to rise after being hospitalized, Piyasakol told reporters. the lungs would also have recovered and all could leave the hospital on Thursday, he said.

On June 23, dozens of teenagers and coaches traveled through the troglodyte complex of northern Thailand after practicing football. there was a torrential downpour that soaked some of the cave pbadages in the water, so that they were trapped there. [19659002] Two British divers found them safe on July 2, seated on a mound of dirt in a cave avoided by the flood, which was about four kilometers from the cave gate. and later admitted to the hospital.

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