14 ways to lift breast milk for young mothers


Jakarta As a young mother, of course, you always want to give the best baby. Including the nutritional need to grow and develop.

Breast milk or bad milk becomes a mandatory nutrient for newborns. Unfortunately, because some bad milk production conditions may not be maximal. And the baby needs nutrients in the milk. So, no wonder, using formula is an option.

Well, before dropping the choice on the use of the formula, you can listen to how to multiply the following bad milk as a summary Liputan6.com (15/7)

] 1. Mbadage the bads

Doing the right mbadage on the chest will increase milk production.

The mbadage takes place from the base of the bad, press the chest with two fingers of the index and middle finger. For 30 seconds, make a movement around the chest up to the nipple as a kind of mosquito repellent, only make from the base to the nipple. Remember, this mbadage aims to increase milk production and to launch milk

2. Pumping Mother's Milk

How to multiply milk production is by pumping the bad. This is helpful for the bad always stimulated to produce bad milk.

Breast pump regularly and periodically between feeding time Pump each bad for at least 10 minutes.See you note that milk production increases when at 2-5 hours. If possible, pump the milk in the hour.

3. Do not stop badfeeding

Although you thought your milk production is small, do not stop badfeeding. By constant and constant badfeeding, it stimulates the bad to produce milk. Do not forget to badfeed alternately with both bads.

4. Nurse Skinned to Skin

When badfeeding, keep your mother's skin as much as possible with baby's skin or maternal skin and babies who are badfeeding. touch each other Do not block the skin with a cloth, be it a t-shirt or a bra. From the same baby, let the baby just in a state to wear a diaper. In addition to stimulating milk production, it will improve the emotional bond between mother and child

5. Create a calm atmosphere during badfeeding

Babies are very sensitive because they have a good sense of hearing. The baby will be disturbed when badfeeding when there is a noise that can be heard. With a calm atmosphere, the baby will relax to badfeed for a long time or even badfeed to sleep.

6. Let the baby suck as long as he wants

The mother never stopped the badfeeding baby. If there is a sudden situation, as a guest, just cover the baby with a cloth and welcome the guests. Mothers should not panic and hurry when the situation is precarious and the baby is still badfeeding so as not to disturb the baby. When the baby is full, he stops feeding himself.

7. Breastfeeding every 2 to 3 hours

Regular feeding programs will further stimulate milk production. Especially when newborns. Newborns usually drink milk up to 12 times a day. Give bad milk every 2-3 hours, even when the baby is sleeping. This is how the baby's nutrients are filled.

8. Do not use lollipop or bottle

During the first 6 months of badfeeding, badfeeding should be the only way for babies to take their food and drink. Even when you pumped milk in bottles. By using a pacifier, the baby will experience the confusion that is the mother's nipple, not to mention the flow of the point or bottle more gently and quickly. Can the baby refuse badfeeding directly to the mother? This will decrease milk production until it stops.

9. Stabilizing Emotions

Having a baby requires extra energy, especially if the mother has to do a lot of other tasks, both as a housewife and as a career. When you feel stressed, it will disrupt milk production because the body's hormones are shaken. You can ask your spouse or family to take care of your daily needs and your colleagues to take care of your work.

10. Bedtime

is quite improbable, let alone that babies often wake up suddenly. Organize your sleep schedule. For example, when the baby sleeps, the mother will also sleep. It could also reduce activities inside and outside the home

11. Eat nutritious foods

During an exclusive badfeeding period , mothers need an extra caloric intake of 300 to 500 calories a day. Healthy, wholesome foods will increase the production and quality of bad milk. There is no specific food to consume, which is essential nutritious and healthy.

12. Consume a lot of mineral water

Regular and sufficient mineral water requirements will help milk to continue to be produced regularly. Not only the mineral water, drink sugar-free juice both fruits and vegetables will multiply the milk. Avoid drinks that contain chemicals and caffeine, as they will negatively affect the baby.

13. Take Breast Enhancement Supplements

For those of you who still produce only a small amount of milk, you can try to take bad supplements. But of course, in consultation with a gynecologist or midwife, what supplements are appropriate for consumption.

14. Do not take any other medications other than bad enhancement supplements

Usually, obstetricians and midwives advise mothers not to take any medications during pregnancy or badfeeding. This can affect or harm the baby because of the chemicals in the medicine. If the mother is in the emergency of taking medication or birth control pills during badfeeding, you should first consult your doctor or midwife.

Do the above tips carefully to maximize milk production. Happy to try!

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