1,692 civilians killed in Afghanistan this year


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The United Nations ( UN ) recorded the highest number of civilians killed in Afghanistan in the first half of this year despite a ceasefire last month. This is in line with the suicide bombings claimed ISIS .

The United Nations aid mission said that the death toll has increased 1% over the same period last year to 1,692, although the injury rate has dropped by 5% to 3,430. Overall, civilian casualties decreased by three percent.

The hope that peace might one day be accepted in Afghanistan emerged last month with a truce of three days during the holidays of Eid. The ceasefire period shows that Taliban fighters are mingling with security forces in Kabul and other cities, which has never happened before.

"The brief cease-fire shows that fighting can be stopped and that Afghan civilians no longer have to bear the brunt of the war," said Tadamichi Yamamoto, a senior UN official in New York. Afghanistan cited by Reuters .

However, reports of the fierce battles that have occurred with several suicide bombings during the first half of the year, have highlighted the disastrous security situation to which Afghanistan is still confronted.

The UN report also indicates an increase in attacks by the Islamic State, which is reflected in the growing number of casualties in Nangarhar, the eastern province of which Jalalabad has the capital city. The Islamic State has waged a series of attacks against the region in recent months

Hundreds of civilians have been killed in attacks on various targets such as Shiite shrines, ministry offices and groups help, sports events and registration offices. Twenty-two percent of suicide victims and complex attacks are badociated with Daesh or often known as Daesh, while 40 percent are attributed to the Taliban. (Reuters / agi)

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