175 Dentist Modular Performance South Sulawesi at the Honda Modif Contest, Scoopy Dominant


Report of the East Timor Tribune, Muhammad Fadhly Ali

TRIBUN-TIMUR.COM, MAKASSAR – Astra Motor Makbadar, Honda's leading motorcycle dealer in the region of Sulselbartra and Ambon took a talented modifier to show their creativity in the 7th title of Honda Modif Contest (HMC) 2018 at Losari Pavilion Jl Penghibur, Saturday (28/7/2018).

We create, we drive, 175 talented South Sulawesi modifiers to liven up this annual Honda carpet.

HMC 2018 opened two category with 9 clbad racing for the modifier

For the motorcycle category with production greater than 2006, most participants followed in Matic and Cub Stock / Bolt up to 46 modifiers , Matic & Cub Advance 10 modifier

Sports Modifiers naked 8, Sport Fairing modifiers 8, Sticker / Decals modifiers 27, Racing Modifiers Style 19, and Community Touring of 11 modifiers

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Production category under motorcycle category under 2006 for the All Stock and Advance clbad followed by 22 modifiers and 24 free modifiers for all for Honda scooter, cub and sport for all (19659003 ) Head of Astra Motor Makbadar, Thamsir Sutrisno, at a press conference said the most modified motor scooter Scoopy

According to HMC is one of the big events held by Honda as a container for modifier, community, and Honda motorcycle enthusiasts work and share the taste that emerges in the creation of Honda motorcycles.

"Thanks to the event Honda Modif Contest 2018, we welcome the modifier to be creative. Honda and Astra Motor as the main dealership still support the best work of the son of the region," said Thamsir

] Read: 55% of Honda mechanics in Sulselbartra and Ambon filled by SMK

The 2018 HMC has won three best modifier titles for the categories National Champion Matic and Cub, National Sport Champion and National Champion Free For All

The winner of this national level had the opportunity to follow the Honda Dream Ride project accompanied by experienced mentors. (*)

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