2 foreign ships safely in the outer islands, 1 drug thief


BATAM, KOMPAS.com – The Indonesian Navy secures two foreign vessels entering Indonesian waters

The ships each have the flag of Cook Island and Djibouti, a country of origin. East Africa

captured in two different areas, namely the waters of Natuna and the Strait of Malacca.

Commander of Rear Admiral Koarmada I (Laksda) TNI Yudo Margono told Kompas.com that the boat from Cook Island which is sheltered at Natuna is a tanker Tons of diesel

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"There are 18 crew from different countries on the ship, including Japan, China, Myanmar and a" Yudo confessed that the crew aboard the tanker still lied to the Navy's investigators.

Because before, the ABK claimed to go to the Arabs carrying 2,500 tons of diesel, but later confessed to Taiwan

"According to the document, this ship will go to Papua New Guinea. But even to Taiwan, even the ABK has confessed instead of Arabic.It is very confusing, so we are still doing the examination. "

Currently , the ship is deposited in Lbad Ranai and is still under examination.

Unlike SCYLLIS SC4471J vessels stranded in the Strait of Malacca. Namely Djibouti, which is a country of East Africa and Singapore

Read also: Houthi rebels attack a Saudi oil tanker in the Red Sea

"This vessel is filled with food, vegetables and pork meat.The crew's confession will be sold on ships that cross the Strait of Malacca, "he said.

The crew of this ship has only four people and one of them is pharmacologically positive

. Even when the exam was done, our team received a sabu suction device. "

In addition, there were a lot of quirks in the examination, for example, documents from ships of several countries, but all documents have expired.The crew also claimed that the ship was originally from Singapore, but that all crew members were citizens of Myanmar, "said Yudo.

Yudo admitted that his team had lowered the dogs to check the ship. 284 No. 2 Year 2018 with the threat of a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a fine of 600 million rupees. 19459003 Kompas TV Eight Invisible Fishing Boats 19659021]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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