20 people killed in heavy showers and landslides in Japan


TOKYO, KOMPAS.com – A total of 20 people were reportedly killed in heavy rains and landslides that struck western Japan.

Newsweek and AFP reported Saturday (7/7 / 2018), would also have 50 missing persons, while 1.9 million people were ordered to Evacuated

NHK preached, a man in Hiroshima died after falling from the bridge to the river. While the 77-year-old grandfather died, he was swept away trying to clear the debris

Read also: Heavy rains in Japan Three dead victims

Officials from Ehime Prefecture, Yoshinobu Katsuura , declared that there could be a growing number of victims

"At this point, we are trying to obtain information on the number of missing or missing victims," ​​said Katsuura

. In addition, a woman from Kurashiki, Okayama, posted help on Twitter because her house was flooded. The woman writes that water has entered the second floor and that she is now half-flooded in her room. His children are unable to get on the roof

"The body temperature has dropped while we are still trapped at home We ask someone to come and save us," says the mother

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (19659006) Chief of Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Tokyo had mobilized 48,000 firefighters, police and defense forces.

They responded to more than 100 reports of landslides, while the others were deployed

As Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera said, 21,000 soldiers were ready to wait for orders.

"I ordered them to save using all the instruments of the sea, the land and the air".

In addition, Minako Sakurai, a meteorological agency official, explains that heavy rains will continue to flow west region until Sunday (8/7/2018).

Read also: Floods and Landslaces are evolving in the Ambon regions

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