2010 Natuna target against measles


Natuna Vice Regent Ngesti Yuni Suprapti witnessed Natuna's free measles measurement on Tuesday (3/7). F. Aulia Rahman / batampos.co.id

batampos.co.id – The government of Natuna Regency, targets Natuna one of the 2020 free measles free zones to come. The target was staged with a mbadive immunization program in 2018 in all Natuna schools.

Ngesti Yuni Suprapti, sub-regent of Natuna, said that the government continues to reduce the number of cases of measles and rubella. At the national level, the government is committed to eliminating measles and fighting rubella or kecatatan disease caused by an infection during pregnancy in 2020.

The existence of this mbad vaccination to break the chain of transmission of the measles and rubella virus. community. For rubella vaccination of measeles, in August will take place throughout the school. "Mbad vaccination also takes place next September in all posyandu, polinds, poskesdes and various public health facilities with a vaccination target for toddlers and up to 6 years," said Ngesti in the socialization of rubella measles. at the hotel Natuna, Tuesday (3/7).

According to Ngesti, the mbad vaccination activity is very important to be known by the community, given the geographical condition of Natuna in the form of islands. The goal is for the whole community to get complete information, especially for those living in areas where transport and health conditions are limited.

Rizal Renaldy, head of the Natuna Regency Health Unit, explains that measles is a contagious disease transmitted by coughing and sneezing. . The symptoms are high fever, red spots on the skin and cough or runny nose and can cause death if complications occur

"99% of people who have measles can be infected. 19659004] While Rubella's disease he said, the merupakah a public health problem that requires effective prevention efforts. Survey data from the last five years show that 70% of rubella cases occur in the 15-year age group.
In addition, according to the study of measles and rubella estimation in Indonesia in 2013, there would be 2,767 cases. for measles and rubella, but this disease can be prevented by routine measles vaccination against measles. And it is one of the priority activities of the Ministry of Health as concrete of the Government's commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including the reduction of infant mortality

"Natuna Regency Government engaged in the implementation of the campaigns and the introduction of measles and rubella en mbade this year 2018. The objectives of Measeles' measles rubella campaign activities include Posyandu, level of immunization. education with the total goal of 23,780 children with a number of immunization of 373 people spread across Natuna. (arn)

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