26 ways to whiten faces naturally and quickly


In order to get a fresh and shiny facial skin, some people often have different ways, including using cream, moisturizer and so on. This is nothing more than because dull skin often interferes with appearance and diminishes self – confidence.

Many factors make facial skin dull, ranging from body health to daily habits and the environment. To be able to overcome it, one must first know the causes that make the skin so dull.

There are many factors that make skin dull, and the process of making skin look fresh, brilliantly blocked. From the research of a number of sources, the following six deserve to? to disagree:

1. Stay late

Stay late so that someone sleeps less, and this can bring down the skin. Indeed, the skin dries due to dehydration, and the face does not look fresh the next morning. How to cope, sleep enough, between 7-8 hours a day.

2. Lack of Drinking Water

At a time when the water needs in the body are lower, the condition that makes the skin hydration is also reduced. As a result, the skin looks dull, or even dry skin. The solution to this condition itself is that you just need to increase water consumption 8-12 glbades a day

3. Often stressed

Stress, whether it is restrained, frustrated or frustrated anger, causes an increase in cortisol that affects blood flow to the skin and inhibits skin repair. As a result, the process of regeneration of skin cells does not work properly. The effect, the health of the skin is so disturbed and the face does not look shiny.

To reduce stress levels, in addition to overcoming the root of the problem, you can remove stress with exercise. Research shows that exercise can help reduce stress. How do the rules work? Exercise 3 to 4 times a week. Such as, jogging or aerobics.

4. Exposure to air pollution, dust and sun

Three things can cause a decrease in skin hydration and the impact makes the face so dry and rough. Solution with this condition, you can increase the consumption of antioxidants, such as vegetables and fruits, especially those rich in vitamin C and collagen. Can help restore the health of facial skin

5. Smoking

The reason, because cigarettes are radical substances and damage the collagen so that the skin so unhealthy and fast sagging. The solution of this condition is not anything else than quitting smoking. To quit smoking, it can be done by reducing the daily amount slowly until it actually stops. The key, when that is the intention, all pathways must be cultivated. But if there is no intention, there will be 1001 reasons.

6. Product make-up and skin care wrong

Yes, maybe if you feel the lifestyle avoid above, maybe the cause is the product make-up ] is false. Therefore, the use of makeup bad product can make the skin dry. For example, avoid the use of cleaning liquids containing alcohol. For this, try using a facial cleanser that can remove makeup and moisturize the face.

To overcome the dull skin due to the product make-up following the complete solution:


– Use a moisturizer to keep the skin moisturized

– Wear sunscreen when exposed to sunlight, especially for its SPF content, 30.

– Regularly wash my face twice a day to avoid pore

– Try not to exchange cosmetic products with other people.

However, if your efforts are not satisfactory, no need to go to the beauty clinic. The most important is how beauty re-quickly without thinking about the side effects and the pocket that has drained.

It is important to know that cosmetics contain chemicals and have harmful side effects for the skin. There are several chemicals in cosmetics to watch for, such as mercury (hg), hydroquinone, retinoic acid / tretionin / acidic reation, resorcinol, DEG, lead (Pb), dye, alumina, DEA, TEA, MEA, SLS / ALS paraben, propylene glycol, isopropyl alcohol, DBP, synthetic fragrances and petrochemicals

For example mercury. The use of mercury in cosmetics will cause discoloration of the skin, brown spots on the skin, skin irritations, allergies, damage to the brain, kidneys and fetal development. Then, more dangerous is mercury is a carcinogen or substances that can cause cancer in humans. So, you can imagine if there is a woman who unknowingly wears cosmetics made with mercury for a long time, what health problems will happen to her.

Therefore, the best option in this condition is to naturally brighten the skin. Because it's free of side effects and the cost is cheap. And, if you do a routine, the results may be better than the moment. Not only is the redness brisk, your skin will also be healthier and beautiful without problems. When your skin continues to be bright with yours, you will look whiter.

So, how to naturally lighten and whiten the face? Here Her World summarized the 26 ways that faces whiten naturally and quickly, and can be practiced!

1. How to whiten the face with lemon

  lemon 1

(How to whiten the face quickly and naturally with lemon, (Photo: freepique)

Effective because … lemon contains vitamin C that can reduce the appearance of black spots and other skin problems due to sun damage The lemon also contains citric acid that helps to take off dead cells and eliminate the effects of sun damage. acne so that the skin becomes white

How to use it:

squeeze in the juice Add half a tablespoon of water and apply it on your face using cotton Clean with water after 10-15 minutes and then use your daily moisturizer Apply this way everyday to get quick results

mix a tablespoon fresh lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey and apply on a clean face to remove dark skin This can happen because honey is good for the skin that can prevent dry skin and help exfoliate dead skin cells. Make this treatment every day to get the most out of

– Or you can mix a teaspoon of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of mentium and 1 tablespoon of honey tea. Then cut the cucumber to a small size and then enter the blender with lemon juice. A good cucumber clears the skin of the meditation and cleans the blockage in the pores of the skin and removes dead skin cells. For maximum results, do this treatment every day.

2. How to whiten the face with papaya

<img src = "http://www.herworld.co.id/gallery/images/pepaya.jpg" style = "width: 626px;" alt = "2. the papaya

Effective because … the papaya has an enzyme of papain, a protein-destroying enzyme that is a content of acne breakers.This enzyme is also very effective for improving the skin and whitening the skin and also shine the skin.And the treatments that use the papaya are good as they can be used for all skin types.

How to use:

– Destroy the papaya until smooth, then apply to the cleansed face.Then wait 20 minutes, then wipe with water.Take care of this "mask" every day for quick results

– Or, mix one tablespoon of finely ground papaya and half a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, then apply clean skin Leave on for at least 20 minutes then wipe with of water.Do it every day to get the benefits quickly This mixture will absorb the oil on the face and make the skin so shiny and clean.

– Or, mix a tablespoon of fine pepaya with a tablespoon of honey to moisturize the skin and prevent skin problems. Then let the "mask" last for up to 20 minutes then wipe with water. Perform this treatment daily to get the most out of

3. How to whiten the face with turmeric

 3. Turmeric

Effective because of the rich vitamin C that can lighten dark spots. In addition, the sound also has collagen that can keep the skin tight. This treatment can also be done by anyone because it can be used for all skin types

Usage Instructions:

– Mix a tablespoon of turmeric powder , 1 spoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey until smooth. Then apply on the face and neck and leave on for about 30 minutes. After that, wash with water. For maximum results, it is recommended to do this treatment every day.

This natural mask is good for everyone, especially for those with oily facial skin. Because the lemon content can absorb the oil, while the honey will keep the skin moist. Then, turmeric will help exfoliate dead skin cells. As a result, a person's skin can be shiny.

– Or, you can mix half a tablespoon of turmeric powder with two tablespoons of aloe vera gel to lighten the skin quickly. Therefore, aloe vera is effective for treating dry and sensitive skin, making skin moist and lightening during meditation

4. How to whiten the face with aloe vera gel

 4.lidah crocodile

(How to whiten the face quickly and naturally with aloe vera gel, Photo: freepik) [19659036] Effective because … The aloe vera gel contains vitamins A, C and E which are antioxidants. Antioxidants are useful for protecting the skin by limiting the production of free radicals that can destroy skin cells. In addition, aloe vera gel also reduces the signs of aging and helps lighten dark spots or acne scars. (19459008)

– Mix a tablespoon of aloe vera gel with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and apply on the face and neck. Then leave about 30 minutes. Then wash the face until it is clean. Try to be a daily treatment if you want to get fast results.

– Or, mix 1 tablespoon of aloe vera gel with a tablespoon of honey and then apply on the face that has been cleaned. Leave the natural mixture for 30 minutes and clean it with clear water. Do this treatment every day. The mixture on the mask will moisturize and relieve dark spots on the face.

5. How to whiten the face with yogurt


(How to whiten the face quickly and naturally with yogurt, Photo: freepik)

Effective because … L & # 39; Lactic acid contained in yogurt is very powerful at expelling black spots due to pigmentation, acne scars and flattened scratched skin – which can often make you less confident. Yogurt is also suitable for all skin types, especially for those with dry skin. Because it can provide excellent moisture for the skin.

How to use:

Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt with half a tablespoon of turmeric. Apply to your cleansed face, let it sit for 30 minutes or until it is dry. Then rinse with clear water. Do it every day for best results.

6. How to whiten the face with orange

 6. orange

Effective because [orange] has a high content of vitamins. In addition, the skin, vitamin C-its content even more than the orange itself. Well Because of its high vitamin C content, orange peel is ideal to help solve beauty problems. Especially to brighten your face.


>> As Exfoliation for the body

Dry orange peel in the sun for dry it. Then ground into powder. You can use orange powder as exfoliating for the body . The antioxidant content of orange peel can slow skin damage caused by UV exposure, pollution, and toxicity. In addition to helping decrease the dark pigmentation of the skin.

>> As a facial mask

Mix the orange peel powder with the milk until the formation of the pasta. Apply on your cleansed face. Let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse with clear water. Do it everyday to get faster results.

In addition, you can also wear it with other types of oranges, such as lime. How? Watch the video below.

7. How to whiten the face with the potato

8. How to whiten the face with carrot

Effective because … This orange vegetable is potent for reducing melanin which causes darkening of the skin. Carrot is good for all skin types and easy to apply.

How to use it:

Clean the carrots, then cut into small pieces and mix them up to smooth with the skin. Mix 1 tablespoon of yogurt and several ½ teaspoons of lemon water. Stir to form the dough. After that, you simply apply on the face as a mask. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse with clear water. This mask will rejuvenate your skin by forming new skin cells and removing dead skin cells. (19659093) Effective because … milk contains vitamins such as vitamin A, vitamin B3 and milk other important nutrients. This can help reduce skin damage, increase hydration, make the skin healthier, shine and cooler. Milk powder can be a solution for dull and pigmented skin.

Mode of employment:

Mix 1 tablespoon of milk powder, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of honey. Then stir evenly to form a paste. Apply on your cleansed face. Let stand for 30 minutes and rinse with clear water. Do it every day to get the most results.

10. How to whiten the face with sandalwood

<img src = "http://www.herworld.co.id/gallery/images/masker gitu.jpg" style = "width: 508.545px; height: 339.301px ; " alt = "10. (19659008) Effective because … Sandalwood has anti-tan, anti-aging, cure acne and acne scars, as well as cleanse the skin. The contents can brighten your face naturally.

How to use:

Mix 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder with rose water to taste for Form a smooth paste.Apply on cleansed face, let stand 20 minutes.Then rinse with water until clean.This mask will make your face shine in an instant and prevent the growth of the face. Acne is an ancient method used by queens and princesses to brighten their skin.

11. How to whiten the face using tomato

 11. tomato

(19689008) Effective because … the lycopene content is high and its antioxidant is for So, it gives great benefits to the skin. It protects the skin against UV rays, delays aging of the skin and illuminates the skin. In addition, the vitamin A content in tomatoes is also powerful for reducing black spots on the face and smoothing the skin.

Mode of employment:

Mix 1 tomato or simply crush it. Then mix 1 tablespoon of tomato juice with 1 tablespoon of powdered milk and 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder. Apply on the face as a mask, wait until 20 minutes. Then wash with clear water. The daily use of these masks not only illuminates your skin, but also eliminates dark circles under the eyes or commonly known as panda eyes. How to whiten the face with sugar

<img src = "http://www.herworld.co.id/gallery/images/gula.jpg" style = "width: 591.71px; height: 393.213px;" alt = "12. sugar

Effective because … similar grains of sugar scrubs can help to skim and clean the dirt dirt that clogs the pores of your skin. Besides, the sugar can also moisturize and brighten the skin only after several uses.


Mix 2 tablespoons of sugar with 1 tablespoon of oil. olive and 1 tablespoon lemon juice Stir well and apply to all the skin of your face Mbadage gently using the scrub for 3-5 minutes to remove the dead cells that make the skin dull and dark Do what is necessary

13. How to whiten the face with oatmeal

 13. Oatmeal

(How to whiten the face quickly and naturally with oatmeal, Photo: freepik) [19659036] Effective because … Oatmeal is an exfoliant (exfoliation using scrub ) which is very nice. Specially mixed with lemon juice and milk. Therefore, lemon juice helps lighten the skin and the milk will moisturize the skin. So, when this mixture is used, it can provide maximum brightness for a person's skin. This will also make the skin healthy. Healthy skin will certainly be far from any troubling problem.

Take 2 teaspoons of oatmeal then mix with ½ teaspoon of lemon juice and milk to taste until battered . Apply on all your cleansed face. Let stand for 20 minutes, then wipe with clear water.

14. How to whiten the face with mint

<img src = "http://www.herworld.co.id/gallery/images/mint.jpg" style = "width: 626px;" alt = "14. mint leaf (19659035) Effective because … mint can help purify the blood and reduce the appearance of acne. In the meantime, if you l? Apply on the surface of the skin, it can fade acne scars and stains on your face.In addition, mint can also clean the pores of your skin and eliminate the dark spots instantly. Vitamin A can control the excess of sebum in the face so that the skin is brighter and fresh.


Mix 1 tablespoon of mint paste with 1 spoon tablespoon yogurt and ½ teaspoon Stir until smooth dough, then apply to face as a mask, let stand for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly

15. How to whiten the face with Gram flour

 15. gram

Effective because … [194590] 09] Gram flour has a content that can control the secretion of oil and absorb excess oil or sebum. In addition, gram flour can also remove dirt and toxins from the deepest layer of facial skin that makes the skin so lighter, soft and supple. The natural exfoliation properties of gram flour eliminate dead skin and promote the production of new cells faster.


Mix the flour with gram, yogurt and turmeric until it comes in the form of a fine paste. Apply it to all your cleansed face. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse.

16. How to whiten the face with clay

 16. Clay

(How to whiten the face quickly and naturally with clay, Photo: freepik)

Effective because. .. The clay contains magnesium oxide that can absorb excess sebum, cleanse the skin, absorb fat and renew skin cells. The essential nutrients contained in the clay also give a tonic effect to the skin and are often used as a whitening agent by lightening agents


Just mix the l & # 39; 39, clay with rose water. Apply on all the face. Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

17. How to whiten the face with rice flour

 17. Rice flour

Effective because of … Anti-aging natural ingredient in rice and its absorption properties d & # 39; oil. So, making rice flour is perfect for use as a dullness repellent and acne on the face. Rice is also an anti-inflammatory and natural skin whitening ingredient that can soothe skin from sunburn. In addition, rice can also make the skin smooth and shiny.

Mode of employment:

Mix 1 tablespoon of rice flour, 1 tablespoon of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Stir until textured like a paste. Apply to all cleansed surfaces by mbadaging slowly for 3-5 minutes. Let stand 20 minutes, then rinse with water until clean. Repeat every day to get a bright and beautiful skin.

18. How to whiten the face with pineapple

 18. pineapple

Effective because of … Pineapple in addition to delicious, it is rich in mineral content, vitamin C and bromelain that can enhance the beauty of women's face, which can remove acne, fine lines, black spots, even warts on your face – if used daily everyday.

Mode of employment:

Peel the skin of pineapple and clean it. Then mix until smooth. Add a little honey and stir evenly. Apply it on the entire face that has been cleaned. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Do it every day to get a beautiful and flawless skin.

19. How to whiten the face with kiwi

 19. kiwi

(How to whiten the face quickly and naturally with kiwi, Photos: freepik) [19659000] Effective because … Kiwis contain more vitamin C than oranges. In addition, the kiwi also has a very good alpha hydroxy acid to maintain the elasticity of the skin and to remove dead skin cells. The fruits are perfect for your skin, especially in cold weather. Kiwi is able to keep your skin dry.

How to use it:

Peel the kiwi and mashed potatoes. Add 1 tablespoon yogurt and 1 tablespoon honey to the kiwi paste, then mix well. Apply it all over your face, leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash in the water

20. How to whiten the face with egg whites

 20. egg white

Effective because … egg proteins can repair the tissues and tighten the skin. In addition, vitamin A contained in eggs can lift dead skin cells, treat acne, regulate the production of skin oil and make the skin smooth and moist. The regular use of white egg masks will lighten your skin and prevent the effects of aging.

Mode of employment:

Mix 1 egg white, 1/2 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 tablespoon turmeric powder. Mix well to form a paste. Apply on your cleansed face. Let stand for 20 minutes then rinse thoroughly.

21. How to whiten the face with strawberries

 21. Strawberries

Effective because … Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, alpha hydroxy acid, and polyphenols are very potent to lighten the skin, eliminating black spots, eradicate acne, wrinkles and moisturize dry skin. Its alpha-hydroxy acid helps lift dead skin cells and makes them clean.

Mode of employment:

Enter 3-4 strawberries in a blender and puree to form a thick paste. Mix 1 tablespoon milk powder and ½ teaspoon lemon, then mix well. Apply it to your face and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then rinse with clear water until clean. Do it every day to get the most results.

22. How to whiten the face with vitamin E oil

 22. Vitamin E

( How to whiten the face quickly and naturally with Vitamin E Photo: freepik)

Vitamin E not only can whiten the skin, but also can make the skin smooth, soft and supple. In addition, this vitamin can remove stains, scars and wrinkles on the skin. Therefore, vitamin C may be a choice to replace the toner for your skin.

How to use it

Put olive oil in your own hands. Mix with 1 capsule of vitamin E, then apply on your face. Mbadage gently for 3-5 minutes, then let stand overnight to be more absorbent to the skin. Do it every day to get the desired result.

23. Comment blanchir le visage avec de la racine de réglisse

 23. racine de réglisse

Efficace en raison de … racine de réglisse est l&#39;ingrédient pour la fabrication du sérum. Donc, il peut être utilisé très bien pour la santé de la peau, allant de la peau grbade, irritante, et la couleur de peau inégale.

Mode d&#39;emploi:

Prendre 1 racine de réglisse avec 1 cuillère à soupe farine d&#39;avoine et le miel au goût. Faites-le comme une pâte épaisse, tamponnez-le sur votre peau nettoyée du visage. Laisser reposer pendant 20 minutes, puis rincer à l&#39;eau claire. Faites-le tous les jours pour obtenir une peau radieuse et saine.

24. Comment blanchir le visage avec des lentilles rouges

 24. lentilles rouges

Efficace parce que … Les lentilles rouges sont riches en vitamines B qui peuvent aider à traiter de nombreux problèmes de peau tels que le soulèvement des cellules mortes de la peau. , rend la peau lisse et brillante. En outre, les lentilles rouges sont également en mesure d&#39;éliminer les toxines de la peau et de rendre la peau saine.

Comment l&#39;utiliser:

Faire tremper la laksa pendant une nuit. Combiner avec un peu de miel. Remuez bien et appliquez-le sur tout votre visage. Laisser reposer 20 minutes puis rincer à l&#39;eau claire. Les restes de cette pâte de lentilles peuvent être conservés au réfrigérateur pendant 2 à 3 jours. Répétez l&#39;utilisation de ce masque pour obtenir le maximum de résultats

25. Comment blanchir le visage avec le bengkoang

 25. bengkoang

(Comment blanchir le visage rapidement et naturellement avec bengkoang, Foto: freepik)

Efficace parce que ….. Fruit blanc qui a un goût sucré et contient de l&#39;eau est riche en vitamine B et vitamine C, qui joue un rôle important dans l&#39;éclaircissement de la peau. La vitamine C est idéale pour aider à régénérer votre peau afin qu&#39;elle soit toujours propre et radieuse.


– Comme gommage

Taille de bengkoang moyen. Peler la peau et la laver propre. Râper le bengkoang (utiliser du fromage râpé), puis appliquer sur tout le visage nettoyé. Mbader doucement pendant 3-5 minutes jusqu&#39;à ce que les cellules mortes causent un lift mat. Puis rincer abondamment

– S sous forme de masque

Prendre 2 morceaux de bengkoang, peler la peau, puis râper. Après cela, pressez l&#39;eau sans ajouter plus d&#39;eau. Laisser le jus de jus de bengkoang dans un récipient propre, puis laisser reposer jusqu&#39;à ce que le tout soit déposé. Après la décantation, vous pouvez utiliser le sédiment de l&#39;eau bengkoang comme un masque. Oleskan ke seluruh wajah, dan diamkan sampai kering. Lalu cuci dengan air hingga bersih. Lakukan setiap hari untuk mendapatkan wajah yang selalu cerah bersinar.

26. Cara memutihkan wajah dengan ampas teh

26.ampas teh

(Cara memutihkan wajah secara cepat dan alami dengan ampas teh, Foto: freepik)

Efektif karena…  Sejak dulu teh terkenal memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kulit. Salah satunya untuk mencerahkan kulit. Teh mengandung antioksidan dan zat anti penuaan yang baik dalam menjaga kesehatan kulit. Jika dipakai secara teratur, kulit kamu akan terlihat lebih cerah, lembab, sehat, dan bebas dari jerawat.

Cara menggunakannya:

Ambil 1 kantong ampas teh, lalu campurkan dengan 1 sendok makan madu dan 1 sendok makan tepung beras. Aduk rata hingga membentuk seperti adonan. Setelah semua tercampur rata, oleskan ke seluruh wajah kamu yang sudah dibersihkan. Diamkan selama 20 menit, lalu bersihkan dengan air hangat agar pori pori kulitmu terbuka, sehingga semua kotoran keluar. Lakukan setiap hari untuk mendapatkan kulit yang sehat, cerah bercahaya, dan bebas dari jerawat.

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