3 This disease is often suspected Fibromyalgia


TRIBUNJAKARTA.COM – Fibromyalgia is a disorder of the central nervous system

This condition often causes pain in certain parts of the body.

Some of the symptoms of this disease are very common among them.

1. Fatigue

2. Disruption of sleep

3. Pain in certain parts of the body (hands, feet, neck, shoulders, back, hips)

The cause of this disease is not known for sure, but doctors still believe that the cause is largely due to genetic factors.

more frequently experienced by women than men.

Fibromyalgia is also often misdiagnosed as the following 3 diseases, as reported by Grid.ID of the Reader's Digest Page

1. Arthritis

Although arthritis and fibromyalgia both have symptoms of pain in the body.

Many believe that fibromyalgia is similar to arthritis, when both are different conditions

. Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis and Fibromyalgia are two very different diseases

Multiple sclerosis is a destructive neurological disease that attacks myelin or a nerve layer protective

3. Lupus

Lupus has the same symptoms as fibromyalgia.

It's like fatigue, muscle aches and insomnia.

However, the two diseases are clearly different because lupus is an autoimmune disease. (*)

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