3 Unair students create the patient monitor tool after stopping the heart


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, SURABAYA – Heart failure or heart failure is a condition in which the heart fails to pump blood to flow to adequately meet the body's nutrient requirements and oxygen adequately.

heart or patients who have already suffered heart failure, need to exercise regularly in the form of physical exercise.

The working power of heart muscles that contract because of heart failure can be repaired again when the patient is doing physical activity. However, due to the distance and the condition of patients who can not go directly to the hospital, or meet the doctor directly after exercise, it is difficult to monitor the patient. state of the patients.

Prodi Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Science and Technology (FST) Airlangga University Ahmad Nuri anto (20) with two colleagues, Difa Fanani Ismayanto (20) and Ahmad Alif Robit Alhazmi (20) made an innovation of a prototype called Wealth (Wearable Elekctrocardiograph TShirt)

With these results, it should be helpful to reduce the rate of heart failure in Indonesia

"This tool is capable of monitoring post-patient heart failure in a wireless connection and integrated to the Internet, so that medical staff can access it in real time, where and at any time, "he said. /7/2018).

In addition to this innovation, the tool also features an alteration signal cloth electrode, an electrode placed on a T-shirt. a prototype that makes the patient comfortable in the activity, such as exercise. Patients with heart failure may be better and can reduce the high rate of mortality due to heart failure in Indonesia, "said Ahmad Nurianto.

Difa added: His team has been successful in obtaining research grants from Kemenristekdikti in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) in 2018.

"Our team hopes this tool will be used by the community, especially by medical staff and patients suffering from heart failure, reducing heart failure mortality rate.In the future, we will also publish in international journals indexed by Scopus, "he concluded. (Sulvi Sofiana)

This article appeared on surya.co.id under the title Unair student create a patient monitoring tool after heart failure, can be accessed by medical staff in time real,

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