30 thousand people in Washington Trump Politics Demo of Immigration


This event expressed the idea that families should be together and belong together.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, WASHINGTON DC – More than 30,000 people gathered in the United States capital, Washington DC, on Saturday (30/6) to protest President Donald's immigration policy Trump. Tens of thousands of other people should also attend protests in the 50 states.

Parents, children, immigrants, activists, religious leaders and celebrities gather in Washington DC. This protest expressed the idea that families should be divided and belong to the same family (19459008) . They protested against inhumane immigration policies and their desire to see Trump unite their children and their parents separated by immigration officers.

One of them was Jocelyn from Brazil. He tells that his experience of being separated from his son during his landing in the US last summer. The two are separated for nine months and nine days. Meanwhile, federal officials even mentioned that his son could be prepared for an adoption.

He and his son finally meet on June 5th. That happened after Jocelyn won a lawsuit filed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

Another member of protester Courtney Carter came from Maryland. He mentioned being very depressed and frustrated by politics,

"I never felt helpless and helpless like that, but I have to keep coming during the Parkland marches, the women's march, and Today, "It's nice or bad, hot or not, nothing can stop me," said Carter to Al Jazeera Sunday (1/7).

This protest comes after more than Two thousand children have been separated from their families.This data is taken from the information sheet of the Ministry of Health and Humanity published on June 20. The separation of the family is part of the policy. Zero Tolerance of the Government announced in early April

But the protests continue to arrive and the question of when and how the family can unite still arises.

"I do not think that I should do it again, protested in the late 1960s when Richard Nixon became president, "said protester Donna McDonough.

Previous videos released by the government show detained children placed in iron enclosures and using large sheets of paper as a blanket. Even a revealed video shows those children crying and crying to meet their parents. This provoked widespread indignation over Trump's policy of non-tolerance.

A federal judge on Tuesday gave federal officials less than a month to reunite families with their children. Children under five are even required to meet with the family within two weeks.

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