31,716 Children have not been vaccinated Rubella


BLANGPIDIE – Tens of thousands of children aged nine months to 15 years old in Aceh Barat Daya district (Abdya) have not been vaccinated against rubella and measles.

Abdya Safliati SST stated that measles immunization should be done to reduce the mortality rate of measles and rubella in children. "We aim, from August to September 2018

to vaccinate up to 31,716 children," Safliati told Serambi yesterday. He mentioned that the vaccination would start from August 1 until the end of September 2018. In August, he added, vaccination is done in all schools SD, MI and SMP in Abdya. While in September, MR immunization was done in Posyandu and post MR immunization

She did socialization by introducing Kemenkes pamateri, Dinkes Aceh representatives and secretary Dinkes Abdya. "In the socialization and RM campaign, there are dozens of people from various professions, ranging from religious leaders, military / police, general practitioners, pediatricians to representatives of various organizations," he explains

. one of the most contagious diseases and swallow a victim every four minutes. This case is most common in children. So it's with rubella that becomes a serious threat and if infected early in pregnancy can cause birth defects in the brain, heart, eyes and ears

"But it can be prevented by immunization MR: Because healthy living is the right of every child, "he said. He hopes that with immunization, he can protect children from conbad disorders such as hearing loss, visual disturbances, heart problems caused by rubella infection during pregnancy.

Rubella patients in children have lighter symptoms than patients. adults. But there are also people with rubella who have no symptoms, but who can transmit the rubella virus.

The disease usually takes about 14 to 21 days to cause the symptoms. Common symptoms of rubella: fever, headache, nasal congestion or runny nose, lack of appetite, red eyes, swollen lymph nodes in the ears and neck.

Reddish spots in the form of redness initially appearing on the hands and feet. This rash usually lasts 1-3 days. Pain in the joints, especially in teenage girls.

Once infected, the virus spreads throughout the body within 5 days to 1 week. The greatest potential of the patient to transmit rubella is usually the first day up to the fifth day after the onset of rash. (c50)

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