37 victims killed from a tourist boat spilled in Phuket Thailand Discoveries. Majority of Chinese origin


TRIBUNBATAM.id, PHUKET – The victims of the reverse boat tour in Thailand began to be discovered.

As of yesterday, Friday (6/7/2018), no less than 37 people were found lifeless by the rescue team. 19659002] Corpses are tourist pbadengers aboard tourist boat spilled in the waters off the coast of Phuket Island, Thailand

Most of the victims found died in the water and still wear life jackets. scattered several kilometers from the site of a wreck of a Phoenix ship overturned after being hit by waves 5 meters high by stormy weather Thursday.

"The death toll is found today up to 37 people, with 18 others still not found," said a naval rescue officer Thai, Friday night (6/7/2018).

The latest reports of various troops, they see at least 10 bodies trapped in the hull of a submerged ship

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"We will try to kick out the body tonight," said the Thai Vice Admiral Charoenphon Khumrasee. He would have been found alive after hovering in the ocean for nearly a day.

It was found a few kilometers from the location of an overturned vessel and was immediately transported to Phuket Hospital

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