39 weeks pregnant women died in an accident, the baby that he wore was successful


TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – A baby was born and survived in an accidental truck carrying a block of wood that occurred near Cikajati, connecting Sao Paulo and Curitiba to Brazil.

The baby's mother died on the scene, and the truck driver was found seriously injured.

About Metro.co. uk mother who is 39 weeks pregnant was in a truck carrying a wooden board

Read: A 2 year old baby infected with HIV after surgery and treatment 6 weeks at the hospital [19659005] (19659002) The mother was thrown out of the cabin, so that the baby in the womb of the mother was expelled.

When the police and the medical team came, the mother was found (19659002) Elton Fernando Barbosa, paramedic who arrived at the scene of the accident, recalled, heard the baby's voice lying on the grbad a few meters from the location of his mother.

The baby looked perfect, healthy

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The baby was then transported to the hospital Pariquera -Acu.

She is a woman and weighs 2.9 kilograms

The baby was later named Giovanna which means "protected by God".

Currently, the police are trying to identify the body of the baby's mother.

According to reports, truck driver Jonathan Ferreira had to be treated before facing a lawsuit.

Watch the video above! (Tribun-Video.com/Yulita Futty Hapsari)


Publisher: Eleonora Padmasta Eucharist Wijana
Reporter: Yulita Futty Hapsari
Video Production: Ramadhan Aji Prakoso
Source : Video Tribune

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