4 Benefits of Algae Diet for Pregnant and Fetal Health


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When we lose one that we love, our most bitter tears are called by the memory of the hours when we have not loved enough.


Vemale.com – Pregnant women must not only take care of their health with little activity, but also take care of their daily diet and their diet. Including choosing which foods can support the pregnancy and which are not, because after all, all healthy foods can not promote pregnancy.

One of the foods that may be included in the list of nutritious foods for pregnant women is probably algae. As reported by Klikdokter.com Dr. Astrid Wulan Kusumoastuti stated that there are so many health benefits that pregnant women can get by eating seaweed

1. Iodine
The algae contains the high iodine that pregnant women need and the healthy development of the fetus because iodine deficiency can be problematic in the baby's bone development. Not only that, sufficient iodine is also good for healthy thyroid function in the mother, maintaining metabolic function and producing hormones. The consumption of algae is better than that of a salt that may cause high blood pressure.

2. Vitamin K
Pregnant women need all kinds of vitamins, including vitamin K whose function is to optimize bone formation by calcium and maintain a process of healthy blood clotting to prevent prolonged bleeding. Seaweed can meet the needs of vitamin K in pregnant women, just eat a small bowl every day.

Algae has a complete nutrition needed pregnant women / copyright Unsplash.com/Ana Tavares

3. Folic acid
The algae also contains folic acid, which is the main requirement of pregnant women. Folic acid is needed to support the formation of fetal nerve cells, healthy red blood cells and prevent abnormal development of the baby's nervous system. The algae fiber is also effective in maintaining the digestion of pregnant women who are often problematic

4. Vitamin B12
Similar to folic acid, vitamin B12 plays a role in support for the formation and development of fetal nerve cells, as well as in the production of red blood cells. The intake of vitamin B12 can also prevent the onset of anemia during pregnancy.

The algae has a complete nutritional content that obviously does not harm pregnant women, both to support maternal health and fetal development in the uterus. So, do not hesitate to enter the seaweed in the list of mandatory foods during pregnancy, ladies.

Source: Liputan6.com

(vem / feb)

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