4 Eat Taste food in the morning


Do you often feel tired in the morning? Morning fatigue is usually caused when you do not rest enough in the evening. Morning fatigue can also occur due to many things, including the lack of essential nutrients that are beneficial to the body.

To prevent this from happening to you, here are nutrient-rich foods that you can eat to fight fatigue. morning:


Oatmeal is a complete cereal because of its high nutritional qualities. Oatmeal contains large amounts of dietary fiber that help improve digestion and regulate appetite.

Oatmeal also contains vitamins and minerals that can improve blood circulation, cognitive function and metabolism. Not only that, eating oatmeal can also improve your heart health by lowering the bad cholesterol and raising the good cholesterol.


Peanuts are an excellent source of omega 3 fatty acids. This nutritional content helps you fight hunger and excessive fatigue in the morning. Beans contain high concentrations of B vitamins and fatty acids beneficial to the health of the nervous system, even improving mental health and concentration. Nuts also contain dietary fiber and antioxidants that can prevent headaches, anxiety disorders and muscle aches.

Dark Chocolate

Do you want to feel more excited in the morning? Try to eat even if it's only a bite of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate can increase your stamina for a full day because of the fat and carbohydrates present in it. Dark chocolate is also known to stimulate the nervous system, protect the brain and improve the health of your heart.


Banana is a wonderful fruit to help you fight morning fatigue. maintain weight and facilitate digestion. The natural carbohydrate and sugar content of bananas can increase energy, performance, balance the nervous system, improve mood and much more.

So, if you want to avoid fatigue in the morning, keep your ideal weight. with bananas every day.

Article by Claudia Ramadhani

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