Palapanews.com- The company often badociates blood sugar levels to increase due to eating sugary foods or drinks. In fact, there are certain things beyond that trigger the level of sugar in the blood.
Starting with the lack of sleep up to the consumption of high-fat foods, the following four elements raise the blood sugar level. Read more, as quoted Reader & # 39; s Digest, Thursday (4/1/2018).
1. No breakfast
For those of you who are lazy breakfast, try thinking again deh. Studies in 2013 showed that women with excess body weight who did not have a higher insulin level and a higher blood sugar after lunch than those who ate their breakfast.
Still lacking evidence of the bad effects of lack of breakfast? In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men who skipped breakfast had a 21 percent diabetes risk that breakfast.
Breakfast is one of the most important meals in life. To maintain a stable blood sugar level, be sure to choose a high-protein breakfast and healthy fats.
2. High-fat foods
People who have been exposed to diabetes may be afraid of the carbohydrate content of the diet. In addition, the latest facts mentioned, high fat foods can also affect blood sugar levels. This is revealed in the Journal of Nutrition in 2011.
Researchers suspect that high levels of fat in the blood affect the body's ability to clean blood sugar
3. Sleep deprivation
Rest enough one of them in sleeping 7-8 hours a day is important for health. In a study in the Netherlands mentioned, type 1 diabetic patients who slept only four hours a night, insulin sensitivity decreased by 20%.
"Lack of sleep causes chronic stress, and with increasing stress, blood sugar levels rise," says Patty Bonsignore, a diabetes specialist at the Joslin Diabetes Center in Boston, US. 19659002] Smoking
Smoking is one of the bad habits of health, especially for people with diabetes.
In a study conducted by the Polytechnic University of California State in 2011 has found more and more nicotine samples in the blood, the higher the blood sugar level.As blood sugar levels increase, the risk of complications in diabetic patients increases. (lip)
Source: liputan6.com
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