4 natural ways to overcome allergies


Natural treatment is the best treatment for cases of allergy. However, neither consulting a doctor nor a natural therapist requires that you avoid allergens, as this could trigger your allergic reaction.

So when you have an allergic reaction to sulfonamide, tell your doctor immediately. This is certainly to avoid doctors prescribing antibiotics containing sulfonamides.

However, if you want to try first home remedies for allergies, you can try some of these alternatives:


Research in 2015 concluded that the Acupuncture has shown positive results to overcome seasonal allergies and allergies that are eternal or continuous.


Although there is no scientific evidence that reinforces the notion that honey can overcome allergies. , a theory suggests that eating honey will reduce your allergic reaction over time.

Peppermint essential oil

A 1998 study showed that treatment with peppermint essential oil had an anti-inflammatory effect. enough to reduce the symptoms of bronchial asthma and allergic reactions. This essential oil can not only be applied to body parts, but can also be transmitted through the air.

Eucalyptus Oil

The use of eucalyptus oil is highly recommended to reduce allergic reactions. That's because eucalyptus oil can work as an antimicrobial agent simply by mixing it on each of your laundry during the allergy season.

Article by Claudia Ramadhani

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