5.25% of the interest rate, Astra Financial holds interest income


JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The Bank of Indonesia raised the 7-day Repo rate on the BI rate in the first half of 2018. Interest rates are now 5.25% .

Director of PT Astra International and Director in charge Astra Financial Suparno Djasmin said, until now, it will not increase the interest of credit.

"Until now, there is still no increase, so we will see because usually it is not directly (top)", said Suparno in Jakarta on Tuesday night (24/7/2018).

Suparno said that the reference interest rate would affect cost of the fund or the cost of corporate funds.

Read also: Travel rate of the reference rate of the semester I to 5.25%

If the company considers that the cost of the funds of the company begins to increase, we will see if it is within reasonable limits or if it needs to take certain actions such as increasing interest on credit.

"If interest increases, it will automatically cause problems, but if we buy it on credit, it will have an effect, but it will affect what we are studying," said Suparno .

For the future, Astra Finance will closely monitor BI policy and its impact on the business.

"If increases our cost of the fund we will see to what extent it should be transferred to the consumer," he said. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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