5 causes of lethal leukemia


Disease Leukemia or blood cancer is a disease that attacks the spinal cord that is used to produce white blood cells. This disease causes the white blood cells to grow abnormally or excessively, so that its existence damages the red blood cells.

This type of disease is very dangerous, and remains a scary specter, because white blood cancer is a deadly disease.

So, what are the causes of this disease? Well, below there are some things that could be the cause of white blood cell cancer:

1. Genetic Disease

Family History of Leukemia Can Reduce Disease by Infected DNA to Offspring, What's Called Genetic Factors ALSO READ: The Relationship Between Zina and Cancer of the Colt & # 39; Uterus

2. People who have undergone chemotherapy

People who have undergone chemotherapy or other radiation therapy have a high risk of triggering a disease such as leukemia compared to people who have never experienced it. .

3. Radiation Exposure

Low-level radiation also has a large influence on the risk of leukemia. As a result, pregnant women are not encouraged to do x-rays or to undergo X-ray examination because they affect the baby in the uterus. This is done to avoid the risk of leukemia.

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4. Cigarettes

The bad substances contained in a cigarette are automatically absorbed by the lungs when they are inhaled. The substance will be channeled through the blood vessels to cause cancer of the blood.

5. Coffee

Pregnant women are not recommended to drink more than 2 cups of coffee as this may increase the risk of leukemia in infants.

These are factors that can cause the incidence of white blood cell cancer. There are still many unhealthy lifestyles that can cause this disease, so healthy living is a must for every human being to prevent every disease. []


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