Migraine, seems to be a term of familiar illness in the ear and this disease often affects women. In fact, according to a study published in the journal Neurology, women are four times more likely to have migraines than men.
According to the WHO, of the entire human population aged 18 to 65 with headaches, about 30% were migraine sufferers.
Painful diseases on one side of the head are caused by various factors, such as genetic factors. However, not only are there several other factors that you can not achieve can cause a migraine. Here the coilSTYLE summarizes five causes of migraines that may escape your attention.
1. Skip Meals
A regular diet program is a must for those who are frequently affected by migraines. Skipping meals can cause a decrease in blood sugar. This is what causes chemical changes in the body and triggers migraines.
2. Having Sex
Reported health exercising intense physical energy, including badual activity and even the emergence of the pbadion in itself, can be a trigger of migraine. Usually, migraine due to the above factors occurs in young or middle-aged men and may disappear with age.
Although the way to reduce migraines from badual activity is to take blood pressure medications known as beta-blockers. 3. Consume salty foods and old cheeses
For those of you who love salty snacks and who are often exposed to migraines. It seems from now on that you have to be careful because consuming salty foods in excessive amounts can affect blood pressure. In particular, they increase the amount of sodium in your bloodstream and disrupt the kidneys' ability to process water. As a result, the body responds with higher blood pressure and causes migraines.
Similarly with old cheeses, for example type blue cheese can also cause migraines. Huffington Post Post content tyramine in an old cheese presented as a trigger migraine.
4. Time difference
Effect time difference as well as sleep disorders that can trigger migraines. When traveling in the airways, the pressure exerted by the cabin of the aircraft can also play a role, as it causes enlargement of the blood vessels triggering the migraine.
5. Consume an artificial sweetener
From now on, try to be careful what you add to your coffee. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame can be a cause of migraine. Reported by Huffington Post's sweetener can reduce serotonin levels in a person's body, which can then trigger the release of neuropeptides and trigger a chain reaction that triggers the migraine.
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