5 simple ways to prevent the smell of the mouth for a fresh breath all day long


SRIPOKU.COM – 5 easy ways to maintain dental health that you can try, bad breath disappears fresh breath.

When we do activities, talk or meet a lot of people, we obviously want to show our best side.

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A number of problems around the mouth such as yellow teeth, holes or bad breath can clearly reduce the confidence and judgment of our appearance.

Food choices and lifestyle can be the two main causes of oral health problems.

Fortunately, the answers to these problems are not difficult.

Here are 5 simple ways to maintain dental health that you can try:

1. Eat fibrous foods that are rich in calcium.
Fibrous foods can help strengthen teeth, prevent cavities that cause cavities; while calcium is known to help with tooth formation.

Eat foods such as fruits and vegetables, milk, cheese and nuts.

2. Eat foods low in carbohydrates.
Carbohydrate-rich foods stick easily to teeth and can cause cavities that can cause cavities.

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