Jakarta Keputihan is one of the common things happening at Miss V. In fact, the whitish is a natural mechanism of Miss V to keep clean. However, if the whiteness occurs continuously and accompanied by itching or odor, it would certainly put you at ease. Here are some whitish abnormal signs that you need to be aware of.
Unusual signs of badl discharge
Generally normal badl discharge does not feel. When your whiteness feels sting and it's almost rotten, then there could be germs that nest and breed on your miss V.
When the normal whitish color is transparent and clear . But if it is dark green, yellow or even accompanied by blood, it falls into an abnormal whitish category.
Causes itching
Zone V Itching and badl discharge? This is also one of the characteristics of miss V in the problems.
Pain during Urination
Pain during urination is a sign of danger when you have badl discharge. This is a sign that germs have reached your bladder.
If you have abnormal badl discharge as in the above example, then you should be wary of him. And treat as soon as possible in a natural way or consult a doctor. Before visiting a gynecologist, you must treat whiteness with the following natural ingredients as summarized Liputan6.com (17/7).
How to treat a rapid, natural and traditional excessive whiteness
1. Turmeric
How to treat badl whiteness without the first side effect is to use turmeric. The content of anti-bacterial substances in turmeric can help treat the stubborn discharge on Miss V. You only need to drink turmeric juice that has been shredded every day. Drink 2 times a day to get the maximum healing process.
2. Fenugreek seeds
Fenugreek seeds may still seem familiar to your ears. Fenugreek seeds come from plants with the same fenugreek name or can also be called klabet. Fenugreek seeds can help increase the amount of pH on your miss. The trick is to soak 1 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds in lukewarm water overnight. Then filter the water and drink before breakfast.
3. Garlic
Garlic is a herbal herbal recipe as it contains antibacterial and antifungal properties. That is why garlic consumption is effective at inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria causing badl discharge
4. Betel leaf
How to treat leucorrhea with betel leaf is also famous for doing. The proof is with the many cleaning products of the V missile that uses betel extract. The cause of betel leaf substances are antibacterial and antifungal. The way to treat leucorrhea with betel leaf is to regularly drink boiled water or wash Missel V with betel betel water
5. Sambiloto Leaf
Sambiloto leaves can also be used to treat leucorrhoea naturally. The way is the same as the betel leaf is by boiling the sambiloto leaf and drinking boiled water.
Excessive whiteness should not be allowed. At first, treat with natural ingredients above.
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