6 cancers that often occur in children and how to detect them


1. retinoblastoma

This cancer is a primary malignant tumor to the eye that is often found in children under 5 years. Symptoms of white pear, cat's eyes, strabismus, redness, enlargement of the eyeball, inflammation of eyeball tissue and blurred vision.

"Retinablastoma or cancer of the eye usually occurs in children under 5 years of age, 1.2 and 3. The symptoms are the eyes of the cat.If you talk immediately about the recovery rate, it can reach 90%, "he explained at a press conference. "

2. Osteosarcoma or bone cancer

Cancer that attacks the bones. This cancer is characterized by symptoms of bone pain at night or after physical activity; swelling, redness and warmth in the area of ​​bone pain; fractures after routine activities; limited bone movement; persistent pain in the back; fever, fatigue, weight loss and pallor.

"There are bumps in the legs and arms, it's usually the boys who have a high posture and who are 10-15 years old (according to statistics) .In three months, the cancer can spread to the lungs," he said. he added.

3. malignant lymphoma

This cancer is the primary malignant tumor of the solid lymphatic tissue. Symptoms to watch for are: swollen lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, groin and without pain; shortness of breath, blockage of the gastrointestinal tract, fever, night sweats, weakness, lethargy, loss of appetite, weight loss.

"Lymphoma is usually felt in children over 5 years old with the main symptoms of bumps on one side of the neck more than 2 cm in diameter and does not cause pain," he said.

4. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma

Malignant neoplasms in the area between the nose and throat. The first symptoms to watch for are runny nose mixed with blood, runny nose and thick saliva, stuffy nose, nosebleeds, deafness, ringing in the ears, ear pain, feeling satiety in the ear.

5. Neuroblastoma

This tumor is an embryonic sympathetic nervous system derived from the neuronal network embryo. Symptoms caused include bleeding around the eyes and protruding eyes; bone pain; the stomach is full and diarrhea; one side of the petals diminishes, pupillary contractions, dry eyes, swelling of the neck; pain, paralysis, bladder and intestinal dysfunction. On the other hand, there is also a nephroblastoma or kidney cancer that is common in young children. A typical symptom of this disease is a lump in the stomach.

"Currently the cause Cancer most of the children are unknown, so we can only recognize the symptoms and signs. For this treatment to be not too late, "he concluded.

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