6 students of FKIP Unpatti PKL in Thailand and the Philippines


Ambon, – Six students from the Faculty of Education and Teachers Education (FKIP) of Universitas Patimura will implement Field Work Practices (PKL) in Universities in Thailand and the Philippines. This is the Student Teacher Exchange program in South East Asia (SEA Teacher Project).

The partnership program, ongoing since 2016, aims to give students 3-4 years of opportunities to develop their teaching and learning skills, as well as to improve their skills in international languages ​​and to improve their regional and global knowledge.

FKIP, which joined the Batch-5 program, recruited students and received students from Thailand in January-February 2018 and received two Thai biology students, Chenchira Phongtaeng from Valaya Alongkom Univercity and On-Anong Khantapol from Rajabhat. University

Six of the students, namely Anggia Melinda and Madelin Tamara of the Mathematics Studies Program, Vivian Salelatu of Chemistry and Nur Aini Ohorella of Physics will lead street vendors in St. Petersburg. Paul Surigao University, Philippines. While Villia Namkatu and Hendry Tety of the English Studies Program are located at Phranakhon University Si Ayutthaya, Thailand.

"At the same time, FKIP Unpatti accepts students from the Pangasinan State University in the Philippines, respectively Rheanne F. Bautista and Donna Gayle Sabiniano, both physics majors who will teach at the State Junior. High School Ambon and SMA Xaverius Ambon, said the rector of the University of Pattimura, Prof. Dr. M. J Saptenno during the abduction of the six students, Tuesday (31/7). [19659007] Sapteno hopes that students will take advantage of opportunities in an optimal way to add scientific and cultural knowledge.They are also reminded to keep the good name of Unpatti. "Start something with prayer, because prayer is our main force, "said the rector.

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