Jakarta – Habits such as eating, drinking, playing sports to sleep also quietly gain weight. Maybe this is sometimes done unconsciously, but it has a considerable impact.

As quoted from Shape, to not overload, consider some of the following small habits. Who often knows what you are doing. What is it?
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1. Eat while watching TV
Eating on the couch while watching TV can contribute to the fat of your belly. Not many people choose to eat while watching or reading something to maximize the time, but in fact, this disorder often causes you to eat more than you need. Try to do nothing by eating and take the time to eat.
2. Excessive Exercise
Excessive exercise can be detrimental to your weight loss efforts. This tends to increase the risk of injury and can hinder your progress. It can also increase levels of cortisol stress hormones to encourage fat storage.
That's good, combine your workout by adding an interval workout. Do not forget to give your body time to rest. If you can not spend a day without exercising, choose low-impact exercises such as cycling or swimming.
3. Drink a smoothie after exercise
Drinking a smoothie or protein shake after exercise may not be a good idea. You should eat protein-rich foods to replenish your energy level. Smoothie that you drink contributes only to the consumption of calories that are not needed. If you need to hydrate, you should drink enough water
4. Leaving the body hungry
Have you ever missed a meal for dinner preparation with your friends after work? If ever, install the habit. Because, it can make it difficult to control the portion of the meal. Instead of starving yourself, try tasting low-calorie, healthy foods like peanuts or vegetables to avoid overeating later.
5. Easily depressed
It seems impossible to keep abad of your diet plan if you are suffering from a chronic illness like the fear of being told not to update or not slang. When your friend asks you, you will not hesitate to say no to drinking and eating unhealthy foods. While it's fun to spend time with friends and family with indulgent food, it is likely to make you consume extra calories. The next time your friends or family suggest you go out to eat, you should take the initiative to choose a place that serves healthy food.
6. Eat too quickly
To prevent obesity, spend at least 20 minutes to complete your meal. Be sure to chew slowly so your brain has time to treat your condition. In a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the researchers found that participants who ate slowly, in addition to consuming fewer calories, felt more satiated after a slow meal than they had at home. a quick meal
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