60 percent of RI construction workers have no skills


The Minister of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said that the development that has been achieved today, certainly can not be separated from the role of human resources engineering (HR ).

He also invited engineers to better prepare "As we know that the 4.0 industry is the era of digitization, where innovation and competency skills are needed, it takes strengthen the development of human resources in higher education, Politeknik, Pesantren and SMK, "Budi said in Jakarta Saturday (06/02/2018).

Basuki added that the presidential office of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla in addition to focusing on infrastructure construction, in 2019 began to focus on the development of human resources.

He revealed, as a professional engineer, is required to have a creative, innovative and responsive breakthrough to change. For this, he takes on the role of engineers from professional organizations that can foster young engineers and a knowledge sharing forum to track time.

PII as a professional organization of engineers, badessed Minister Basuki as a very prestigious organization.

"IPIs should play a maximum role in preparing the technical, human and technological resources that are now very much needed," he said.

Basuki adds that PII has also become a partner of the PUPR ministry which contributes a lot. in national development, in particular by providing contributions and ideas in the field of construction. When the Construction Safety Committee (KKK) was set up some time ago, PII greatly contributed to the evaluation of several viaduct construction projects

"PII is also involved in the KKJTJ, especially in the Evaluation of the construction of Jakarta Bandung, which is mainly built in the form of long bridge, it is expected that in the future, there will be more PII support especially in the region. Technological innovation, so that we get the result of the work, according to the plan. (19459002) "As part of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, we will also begin to develop the use of 3D technology the planning of buildings "he said. [ad_2]
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