94-year-old Nazi camp guard at trial – Sumedang Media



Sumedang Media, BERLIN – A former Nazi camp guard cried on the first day of his trial Monday (5/11). He was accused of participating in the disappearance of many lives in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

This 94-year-old German is from the western district of Borken in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. He served as a guard between June 1942 and September 1944 at the Stutthof camp near Danzig, today Gdańsk, Poland.

More than 100 Polish prisoners were killed in the effects of poison gas on 21 and 22 June 1944. Several hundred Jewish prisoners also died from August to December 1944 as part of the "Final Solution" operation. led by the Nazis.

The defendant, identified as Johann R, appeared before the Munster Regional Court in a wheelchair and with a baton, to face charges of murdering several hundred camp inmates. He was seen crying while witnessing survivors of the Holoca disaster read by their lawyers.

Also read Amazon to stop selling Nazi products.

One of the survivors, Marga Griesbach, recounted seeing her six-year-old brother for the last time before being placed in a gas chamber in Auschwitz. While other survivors, according to Indianapolis, Alaihi Salam accused the defendant of helping to kill his mother.

Dortmund prosecutor Andreas Brendel said the defendants had been tried under the Children's Act because he was between 18 and 20 at the time. He was charged with his custody and had participated in the elimination operation.

"Many people were gbaded, shot and left hungry, and the guards were aware of the killing method," Brendel said.

According to a newspaper, questioned by police in August 2017, the defendant revealed that he knew nothing about the atrocities committed in the camp. When asked why camp inmates were so lean, he replied that cooking was very rare for all prisoners.

Stutthof Camp was founded in 1939 and has delayed 110,000 prisoners. According to the Stutthof Museum, 65,000 prisoners died in the camp.

The trial will likely have a maximum duration of 2 hours due to the age of the defendant. However, Brendel mentally stated that the defendant was still in good health.

The accused had planned to make a statement at the trial. If he is found guilty, he incurs a 15-year sentence of imprisonment. But given his age and his possible recourse, he will not be imprisoned in any case.

Brendel noted that the regime of non-Germans imposed restrictions on the elimination of human lives and underlined the moral imperative to pursue this case. "Germany owes families and victims to try Nazi crimes. That means legal and moral issues," Brendel said.

Germany has tried to try survivors of the Nazi security service known as the SS, after the rules governing the prosecution of former Nazi members were changed in 2011. The former guardian of the Nazi camp, John Demjanjuk was tried first.

Demjanjuk was convicted not for the atrocities committed, but for his posting to Sobibor camp in Poland and already as a cog in the Nazi killing machine.

The German court then sentenced Oskar Groening, an accountant at Auschwitz, and Reinhold Hanning, a former SS guard at the same camp, accused of large-scale murder. But the two men, sentenced to 94 years, died before being sentenced to a term of imprisonment.


Sumedang Media

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