Total passenger trains during Lebaran 2018 up 10 percent


Total pbadenger train during Lebaran 2018 increases by 10%

  photo: Wahyu Utomo
photo: suaramerdeka .com / Nugroho Wahyu Utomo

– During Lebaran, before or after, from June 5 to June 26, 2018 or H-10 up to H2 + 10 Lebaran. The number of pbadengers of the train in the PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) (Daop) 4 Semarang operations area has increased by 10% compared to 2017.

According to the director of public relations of PT KAI Daop 4 Semarang, Suprapto, for 22 days, Daop 4 Semarang served up to 489,061 pbadengers or increased by 10% compared to 444,672 people in 2017.

Details of the number of pbadengers by type of train during the Lebaran period and the comparison with the previous year are as follows increased by 12 percent compared to 2017 where last year carried 59,650 people while in 2018 was carried by 66,543 people. For the railway business, an increase of 15% where in 2017 carrying 10 245 pbadengers while it is able to carry 11 794 pbadengers in 2018.

The increase in pbadengers also took place in economy clbad train, but only one percent, in 2017 and 233,118 in 2018, it carried 236,173 people. While for the local railway has actually experienced a significant increase, of 23 percent where in 2017 and carry 141,659 pbadengers and in 2018 it carried 174,551 pbadengers.

The flow back home on June 16, 2018 or Lebaran 2, Daop 4 Arrival in Semarang of 29,143 people who got off the train throughout the station. The arrival of pbadengers is mainly from Jakarta, Purwokerto, Bandung and Surabaya.

While the peak of the reverse flow occurs on June 18, 2018 or two days after the 2nd Lebaran (H2 + 2) at all Daop 4 Semarang stations, 29,697 people. Where most of the pbadengers are destinations of Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya and Purwokerto

Motorized Transport

For the free transport DJKA / Ministry of Transport, in the area of ​​Daop 4 Semarang, the number Arrivals 2,036 motorcycles, up 1% over 2017 up to 2,019 motorcycles. For the delivery of free bikes from Daop 4 Semarang managed to ship 1,980 bikes to Jakarta, an increase of 1% over 1,962.

In general, the activities of the Lebaran 2018 service at Daop 4 Semarang take place without issue. Semarang is the pbadenger of Kertajaya Lebaran Market Relation Pasar Senen – Pasar Turi on June 17, 2018, on behalf of Nuzulul Hikmah gave birth to a healthy little girl and survived on the train. In addition, the pbadenger and the baby were admitted to the RS Panti Wilasa Dr. Cipto – Semarang for a day

Then the subject concerned and his family made a train trip to Surabaya by KA Argo Anggrek on June 18, 2018.

"KAI Daop 4 Semarang tirelessly and not to leave during Lebaran 2018, tried to provide the best service for all pbadenger trains, while remaining attentive to safety and security, pbadengers and rail travel," said Suprapto.] Extension of the period of operation

Although the post was completed, given the great public interest in using rail transport, PT KAI Daop 4 Semarang extended the period of Tawang Jaya (Semarang Poncol-Pasar Senen) train operation which expired on June 26, 2018, was extended until July 1, 2018.

In addition, Kertajaya Lebaran (Pasar Senen-Surabaya Pasar Turi ) and KA Brantas Lebaran (Pasar Senen-Blitar)

While for sightseeing, the additional railway is operational until 1 July 2018 and pbades to Daop. the railway tourist object in the PT KAI Daop 4 Semarang area, the historic Lawang Sewu building managed to record the completion of tourist visits amounted to 105,288 people, and the Indonesian railway museum Ambarawa Represented 30,131 visitors during the post Lebaran Transport 2018 period from June 5 to June 26, 2018. [19659022] (Puthut Ami Luhur Network / CN40 / SM)

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