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Papua New No. 1 News Portal | Jubi
Port Moresby, Jubi – Papua New Guinea health authorities confirmed that the country had suffered the first outbreak of poliomyelitis in the last 18 years, after confirmation of a case in the largest city of Lae [19659006PNGHealthLandHealthCollaborateswiththeWorldHealthOrganization(WHO)todealwiththespreadofmortalviruseswhichcbadlchildrenalysis
At the end of April, the first case of poliomyelitis was reported in the Lufa colony.
The victim was a six-year-old boy who complained of his fragile leg, his illness was diagnosed as an effect of poliovirus infection
"We are very concerned about the appearance of polio cases in Papua New Guinea. ", said the secretary of the country's Ministry of Health, Pascoe Kase, in an official statement.
"Our priority is to respond and after the experts examined the presence of the polio virus in stool samples of two healthy children in the Lufa Mountain region, the authorities confirmed that the virus polio circulating there
WHO Representative in PNG Luo Dapeng told the Pacific Broadcasting Corporation Beat that residential areas, such as Mount Lufa, posed an increased risk of polio. poliomyelitis infection
good, poor mental health, very solid state The region is a high risk area, "he says.
PNG has not had any cases of poliomyelitis since 1996 and was certified polio-free in 2000. ( Australian Broadcasting Corporation )
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