Publication of national health reports, how are the results?

[ad_1] – Since 1990, Indonesia has made great progress in the health sector

The life expectancy of Indonesians has increased from eight years in 2016 to 71 , 7 years old and the burden of infectious diseases like diarrhea and tuberculosis has decreased. In fact, respiratory infections are no longer included in the top 10 causes of death in Indonesia

However, noncommunicable diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, and others , also increased

. The latest author of the study and former Health Minister of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, said that Indonesia has a double burden.

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"Double because in the regions, infectious diseases still kill too many people," he said at a meeting in Jakarta on Friday (29/06/2018). a team of researchers from the Institute of Health and Assessment Metrology and Indonesia, including the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Health, BAPPENAS, the Central Office Statistics, Eijkman Oxford Institute, University of Indonesia and BPJS Health, have studied the causes of death and disability of 333 diseases in Indonesia and seven comparable countries from 1990 to 2016. [19659002TheyfoundthatlifeexpectancywasincreasinginIndonesiaduetothefightagainstinfectiousdiseasespregnancydiseasesneonataldiseasesanddiseasesNutritionalDiseases

Unfortunately, maternal and nutritional problems also make life expectancy for women, which, although longer than that of men, remains below expectations. In Indonesia, there are still many women who die in childbirth

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Sowarta Kosen, MD, who participated in the study of life depends on the infant mortality rate. If this is not resolved, yes (life expectancy) will not increase dramatically

At the same time, Indonesia is also facing an increase in the burden of noncommunicable diseases, such as that cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure,

Nafsiah said that the most disturbing is diabetes because mortality and disability rates have increased 38.5% in 10 years. It also highlights the increase in disability due to lower back and neck pain

"Without prevention, it will be a heavy burden for the entire health system in Indonesia", did he declare. and healthy lifestyle behaviors should be instilled since the child 's age. Policies and programs must also be holistic or include physical, mental, social cycles and all life cycles.

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the research team still finds it necessary that the expansion of the infrastructure, human resources, medical devices, drugs, laboratories, etc. is equally distributed throughout Indonesia.

The goal is to truly achieve Universal Coverage of Health Services.

The study, published in the newspaper The Lancet today (29/6/2018) is expected to provide important inputs for access to health and the quality of care in Indonesia.

The results of the study will also be continued with a study on the regional burden of disease in 34 provinces, scheduled to be published this year, and a cost-effectiveness study of intervention

10 Causes of the burden of disease by 2016:
1. Ischemic heart disease
2. Stroke
3. Diabetes
4. Tuberculosis (TBC)
5. Lower back pain and neck pain
6. Complications caused by premature birth
7. Problems related to the senses
8. Injuries and traffic accidents
9. Diseases of the skin
10. Diseases badociated with diarrhea

10 Major risk factors – contributing to the burden of disease by 2016:
1. Diet
2. High systolic blood pressure
3. High fasting blood glucose
4. Smoking habit
5. Nutritional disorders in children and pregnant women
6. L & # 39; Body mbad index (BMI) is high (overweight)
7. Occupational hazards
8. Air pollution
9. High total cholesterol
10. Renal disorders

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