China's men's heart disease stories have rejected love 80 thousand times


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The rejected love is commonplace. But the most important thing is to know how to prevent yourself from being depressed and keep the mind out of the broken heart.

If you feel depressed after being deprived of love, maybe you should look in the mirror of the experience of a Chinese man. Guaranteed, you must be much luckier than a 31 year old man named Niu Xianfeng.

In the past eight years, he claims to have interviewed 80,000 women to date, but failed.

Niu Xianfeng was known as a " crazy dating " or "dated dated" because of his aggressive attitude in finding a life partner. It was reported for the first time in 2013, when the photographs show a sign of wanting to have a woman with a link to his social media being viral.

At that time, he walked the streets of Beijing in the hope of finding the moorings of his heart. This desperate act began because of the death of his father a few years ago because of cancer. Niu believes that he should get married soon and build a household ark. But what power, everything is not going according to what he expected.

Currently, Niu is no longer walking with a sign to find a woman. She went to dating sites, and made friends with women in social media. In addition, he often despairs asking directly, "Do you have a boyfriend? to the woman that he met on the street. Yet he has always been rejected.

Some say that Niu's attitude is too aggressive and seems hopeless that many women are not interested, but he has a different explanation.

Niu believes that if women are now "shameless" when they choose a romantic partner. Most women prefer tall, handsome and gentle men while talking, but he is "short and ugly" and does not like to lie just to impress a woman. In addition, money is also a big problem because women prefer men who have a good salary and who have their own house in the city.

"They say that as a man, you must own a house," he says, quoted by Oddity Central.

The bachelor recently appeared in Pear's video, where he claims to have been rejected by women 80,000 times. But this number raises a question mark. Is Niu really rejected up to 80,000 times?

In an interview with East Day, Niu said that 60,000 online messages were sent to women, many refused, others did not answer. While he approached on the road up to 20,000-30,000 women. So, according to him, the figure of 80,000 makes sense.

As a result of his recent reports, Niu admitted that thousands of women had asked to contact him on social media, but he did not expect much. The reason, something like that happened in 2013. At that time, he entered the titles in some media. Tens of thousands of people were his friends on Weibo, but nobody really wanted to go out with him.

Niu's struggle to get the companion of life actually drove some people to make negative comments. Some say that the 31 year old man is not only short and ugly, but also does not understand the concept of court. Others say that his failure is not related to his appearance, but because of his aggressive attitude.

"Love can not be imposed," said another. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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