World Press Week: Erdogan wins, Israel disavows Indonesian tourists

[ad_1] – International news for this week begins with the result of the presidential election in Turkey, and the visit of Prince William as the royal envoy of England to Middle East.

In addition, there is also good news of Israel's ban for Indonesian tourists who return allowed to enter their country.

Here is a summary of five international news that took place from Monday, June 25, 2013 to Friday, June 29, 2013, which may be interesting for you to refer to:

1. Erdogan excels in the Turkish election 2018

The Turkish government held a 2018 election that includes a smooth election of the president and parliamentarians.

Fast count results place President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's candidate as the biggest winner.

However, for the certainty and the official decision of the winner of the election has yet to wait for the announcement of the highest election council.

For further news about the 2018 Turkish elections you can see here

2. Prince William visits the Middle East region

The United Kingdom sent Prince William on an official visit to the Middle East.

The agenda of the visit begins with a visit to Jordan since Sunday (24/6/2018) and Paletina, as well as Jerusalem.

The series of visits was once the first official visit of members of the royal family to the territory of Israel and Palestine

Want information on Prince William's visit to the Middle East? Please click here

3. If the American War against Russia in Europe, it is the result

Although the United States is not in a state of war with Russia, it does not would not hurt if she wanted to. then the result could lead to defeat

Defeat can happen if the United States and its allies, NATO, do not pay attention to a number of factors.

What are the factors in question? Read more please read here

4. (19459004)

Having threatened to ban the entry of Indonesian tourists into Israeli territory, Tel Aviv has finally lifted the ban before it was actually enforced.

Scheduled to be implemented on June 26 after being delayed, the ban is finally not done.

What is the reason for revoking the ban? For more information, click here

5. What happens if a restaurant refuses and expels a presidential spokesman?

This is what happened this week, when US presidential spokesman Sarah Sanders was deported was about to eat at a Virginia restaurant in the United States.

The deportation act inevitably made the president furious and commented.

What did the president say? You can find the information here

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