JAKARTA, (PR) .- Bank Indonesia performs a Loan to Value Loan or releases the zero percent deposit rule. The policy came into effect on August 1, 2018.
The governor of the Indonesian Bank, Perry Warjiyo, said the policy was aimed at maintaining the economic recovery and stability of the financial system. "However, the policy remains to be taken taking into account aspects of caution and consumer protection," he said at a press conference in Jakarta on Friday, June 29, 2018.
. Meanwhile, the LTV ratio for the second house is 80-90% except for the house of less than 21 m2 which is exempt.
In addition to the LTV easing, BI also establishes the credit facilitation policy. Thus, the developer can perform a purchase transaction even if the building is still in progress. Nevertheless, the mechanism is allowed up to five houses.
"This macro prudential policy reinforces the previous macroprudential policy of macroprudential intermediation ratios and macroprudential liquidity buffers aimed at promoting the intermeidization and strengthening of liquidity banking management. Rupiah's minimum means as part of the reformulation of the operational framework of monetary policy, "he said.
Perry said the policy is valid for conventional banks as of July 16, 2018 for conventional banking. While sharia banking can enforce the policy from 1 October 2018.
He thinks that this policy will increase consumption in the real estate sector.It will have an impact to stimulate growth in d & # 39; 39, other sectors to stimulate economic growth
Meanwhile, the deputy governor of the Bank of Indonesia, Erwin, said that BI did not technically put the policy on the economy. Bank Indonesia entrusts risk management to each of the banks. "Each bank has its own risk management," he said.
In addition, Erwin stated that the policy only applies to the bank. 39 to banks that have a loan net performance (NPL) less than five percent. Banks must also have a gross GNP for real estate financing of less than 5%. ***
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