Israel organized delivery aid operations for Syrian refugees


Israel took the initiative to take steps to help Syrian civilians affected by the government regime's attacks.

Israel launches night operations crossing a ceasefire line with Syria to send aid Russian-backed regime forces launched an offensive on rebel-held territory in the province of Daraa since June 19, moving tens of thousands of civilians to the Jordanian border. closed

See also: Russia gives Syrian rebels to Daraa 12 hours to surrender

Thousands of them choose to install makeshift tents near Golan Heights [19659002] occupied by Israel, Avigdor Lieberman, Friday (29/06/2018), said that he would provide badistance to peng peng "We follow the developments taking place in southern Syria and we are ready, as Usually, to provide humanitarian aid to women and children, but we will not accept any of them Lieberman wrote on Twitter 's social networks account

"We will keep Israel's security interests, "he added. AFP

The Israeli army says it sent 300 tents and 13 tons of food and medical equipment and clothing to four temporary camps on the Syrian border held by the rebels.

There n & # It is not explained in detail how relief was sent by the UN-supervised ceasefire line. , Israeli army helps Syrian residents wounded by war

Israel occupied most of the Golan Heights and surrounding areas of Syria in the Six Day War of 1967. [19659002] They annexed the territory in 1981, in an act never recognized by the international community.

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