KM Sinar Bangun evacuation, the team needs another size car robot


TEMPO.CO Bandung – The evacuation plan of KM Sinar Bangun's corpse at the bottom of Lake Toba faces a number of technical challenges. The latest technological tools for the evacuation of bodies at the bottom of the waters are available, but the team still has to weigh the use of the tool.

Strictly BPPT Robot by KM Ray Sinar Bangun in the Basement of Lake Toba
KM Sinar Bangun Found, This Chronology of BPPT Robot Submission

Once the robot in the l BPPT water has managed to identify the existence of the corpse at the bottom of Lake Toba with a depth of 450 meters, evacuation speech has developed. The team still needs to find a solution for the evacuation of ROV vehicles caught in a rope at the sinking site, as well as the choice to lift the corpse or the boat

According to Henky Suharto, director of PT Mahakarya Geo Survey participating in the research mission and KM Sinar Bangun, there are other types of submarine robots that work by lifting objects in deep water. The worker-type ROV tool is commonly used by oil and gas companies. "For example for the inspection of underwater pipelines", he said, Friday, June 29, 2018.

The underwater robot of this type is a small car of the size of. a minibus. The tool is equipped with a kind of arm that can cut the rope, hook the body of the ship, as well as objects with a sling or steel rope. The problem, Henky said, was the location of the incident not at sea, but in the lake.

The team needed a new way to bring it to the site. "In the sea, a tool is easily deployed.It is in the lake, it is necessary to mobilize heavy equipment Silangit or airport Kualanamu to Toba, while the infrastructure is minimal." 19659005] In addition, the condition of the corpse in the water. Only the ROV observer who can reach the base, while the present condition must also be evacuated because taken to the rope.

Previously reported Tempo SAR bureau chief Medan Budiawan on Friday, June 29, 2018, says that there are two options for the evacuation of bodies and ships. First, what could be taken is to lift the ship although it takes time. Second, still leave the ship and let the bodies of the victims stay in Lake Toba. If the second option is taken, a flower will be sown to pray for the victim.

He explains that the second option comes after considering things. "We need to think carefully about security, how we help this object. Then this option will be negotiated with Basarnas, the regency and the family of the victim, "said Budiawan

. ] See other articles on the evacuation of KM Sinar Bangun and the victims in the Tekno Cbad .

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