Citilink now serves the road to Surabaya – Kertajati Majalengka. How much does it cost?

[ad_1] | SURABAYA – Citilink Indonesia flights will regularly serve Surabaya-Kertajati (PP) flights as of Sunday (1/7/2018) with a daily flight

"Previously, the flight was only intended to serve as a service. Other Lebaran 2018, but this road has a positive growth outlook in line with the operation of the West Java International Airport (BIJB) at Kertajati Majalengka commercially since June 8, 2018, said Ranty Astari Vice President of Corporate Secretary and CSR, Sunday (1/7/2018).

Ranty mentioned that the market potential for the BIJB Kertajati road is very good, especially with the fill rate ( ) pbadengers exceeding 95 percent during the peak season of Lebaran 2018. [19659002CitilinkIndonesiapresenceinBIJBKertajatiinbeenbyRepublic'sPresident'IndonésieJokoWidodolejeudi24mai2018viseàoffrirunchoixdedestinationsetfaciliterl'accèsautransportaérienpourlespbadagersdel'estetdel'ouestdeJava"CitilinkIndonesiaestimequelacroissancedespbadagersenprovenanceetàdestinationdeBIJBKertajatiesttrèspositivecequipermetd'effectuerdesvolsréguliers"aajoutéRanty

Citlink Indonesia also hopes to contribute to local economic growth, as s & # 39; expect it to be a point economic growth immediately trigger economic centers in the surrounding area.

Flight Surabaya-Kertajati Citilink Indonesia with flight number QG 834 from Juanda Airport, Surabaya, scheduled at 12:35 and arrived at BIJB Kertajati at 14:05 daily.

As for flight QG 835, Kertajati-Surabaya must leave at 15:10 WIB and arrive at Surabaya at 16:40

To buy a plane ticket, this can be done via the official website of Citilink Indonesia and all air ticket sales outlets in Indonesia (travel agent or travel agent online) with prices starting from Rp 590,000

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