7 types of healthy beans to eat


KOMPAS.com – For those who diet, try eating different types of beans. Because nuts contain complete nutrients that are good for the body such as fiber, complex carbohydrates, antioxidants, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

That's why nuts alone can make us healthier and longer. So what are the types of safe and healthy beans to eat?

Arab Beans

  An Illustration of Arab Nuts margouillatphotos An Illustration of Arab Nuts

Arab nuts, also known as chickpeas, are a type of nut that contain fibers and proteins.

Even experts reveal that eating Arabian beans can offer similar benefits to eating red meat.

In a cup (164 grams) of Arab nuts contain:

  • Calories: 269 calories
  • Proteins: 14.5 grams
  • Fibers: 71 percent
  • Manganese: 84 percent
  • Iron: 26 percent

The benefits of eating arabic beans in between can help control weight and blood sugar as well as reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer

This is because arabic beans help to reduce total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL), a risk factor for heart disease.

See also: Common consumption of peanut prevents chronic diseases

2. Lenses

  Illustration of lenses Karisssa Illustration of lenses

For vegetarians, lentils can be a good source of protein, usually consumed in hot soup. Judging by its nutritional content, a cup (198 grams) of cooked lentils contains:

  • Manganese: 49 percent
  • Vitamin B1: 22 percent
  • Protein: 17.9 grams
  • Fiber: 15.6 grams
  • Like Arab nuts, various nutrients lentils can also help lower blood sugar levels.

    Several studies have shown that lentils can help improve bowel function and slow down digestion. As a result, this can prevent the occurrence of blood sugar spikes in the body.

    3. Peanuts

      Illustration of Peas YelenaYemchuk Illustration of Peas

    Like other types of beans, peas are also a good source of fiber and protein for body.

    In fact, it is now widely distributed in the market of supplement types containing peas with a myriad of health benefits.

    Each cup (160 grams) of cooked peas contains:

    • Calories: 125 calories
    • Proteins: 8.2 grams
    • Fiber: 24 percent
    • Manganese: 22 percent
    • Vitamin K: 48 percent
    • Vitamin B1: 30 percent

    A study that performed on 23 people overweight and had a high cholesterol found that people who ate 50 grams of pea flour daily during 28 days decreased insulin resistance and belly fat, compared to wheat flour

    Peas are also a source of food for healthy bacteria in the intestine. When the bacteria in the intestine are healthy, the stools become more fluid, reducing the use of laxatives in the elderly.

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    4. Red beans

      Illustration of red beans piyaset Illustration of red beans

    You are certainly very familiar with this type of beans. Yes, red beans are most often eaten with rice, turned into red bean soup, or as an accompaniment to other side dishes.

    Seen nutrients, one cup (256 grams) of cooked grains contains:

    • Calories: 215 calories
    • Protein: 13.4 grams
    • Fiber: 13.6 grams
    • Folate: 23 [19659008] Manganese: 22%
    • Vitamin B1: 20%
    • Iron: 17%

    This type of fiber-rich beans such as red kidney beans can help reduce blood sugar levels.

    17 people with type 2 diabetes have proven that adding red beans to a plate of rice can help reduce the blood sugar spike after meals

    See also: Variations of Rice and Red Beans

    5. Black Beans

      Black Beans bhofack2 Black Beans

    Like other types of beans, black beans are a good source of fiber, protein and folic acid for all ages, men and women. Seen nutrients, one cup (172 grams) of ripe black beans contains:
    (19659008) Manganese: 38 percent

  • Magnesium: 30 percent
  • Vitamin B1: 19 grams
  • Protein: 15.2 grams
  • Fiber: 15 grams
  • Folate: 64 percent
  • ] Manganese: 38 percent
  • 28%
  • Iron: 20%
  • Black beans are known to have a lower glycemic index than other foods rich in carbohydrates

    This means that consumption of beans Blacks will not raise blood sugar after a meal. Some studies show that people who eat black beans with rice do not experience an increase in blood sugar compared to people who eat only rice or bread.

    6. Soybean

      Illustration of soybean thavornc Illustration of soybean

    Soybeans are often eaten by Indonesians in various preparations such as tofu, tempeh, milk of soy, cheese, etc. In fact, the nutritional content of soy can be stung with other types of nuts.

    Well, its nutritional content in each cup (172 grams) of soy is as follows:

    • Calories: 298 kalroi
    • Protein: 28.6 grams
    • Fiber: 10.3 grams
    • Manganese: 71%
    • Iron: 49%
    • Phosphorus: 42%
    • Vitamin K: 41%
    • Vitamin B2: 29%
    • Folate: 23%

    Soy also contains isoflavones A large study that combines results from 21 other studies has shown that soy consumption can reduce the risk of stomach cancer by 15 percent, especially in women.

    The isoflavone content in soy is similar to estrogen work in the female body, called phytoestrogens, which decreases at the time of menopause.

    A large study of 403 postmenopausal women found that the consumption of soy isoflavones for two years can help reduce weight loss. bronzing bone that occurs during menopause.

    It is also beneficial for lowering blood pressure and blood cholesterol as a risk trigger for heart disease

    7. Peanuts

      Illustration of peanut Gizelka Illustration peanut

    Interestingly, the benefits of peanuts are quite unique compared to other types of beans. The reason is that peanuts are a source of monounsaturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, proteins and B vitamins that are good for supporting the diet program.
    (19659007) Calories: 427 calories

  • Proteins: 17.3 grams
  • Fiber: 5.9 grams
  • Saturated fat: 5 grams
  • Manganese: 76%
  • Vitamin B3: 50%
  • ] Magnesium: 32%
  • Folate: 27%
  • Vitamin E: 25%
  • Vitamin B1: 22%
  • According to Healthline, women who have high cholesterol problems tend to be healthier after eating peanuts.

    The reason, the low fat in peanuts can help reduce total cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL). we can get if the peanuts have been turned into other food products, such as peanut butter.

    So, be sure to always read the nutrition information label on the packaging of the food products you buy

    See also: The benefits of peanuts for health


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