Science Forum Edit to community


JAKARTA, – CB150 Verza Honda Community has obtained the transfer of science has modified the right bike, the main dealership of the motorcycle Honda Jakarta-Tangerang, PT. Wahana Makmur Sejati (WMS).

The "CB150 Verza Saturdayride and Garage Modification" was attended by hundreds of community members, who joined the Honda Jakarta Association (AHJ) and the Honda Motor Tangerang Association (AHMT) , Saturday (30/6/2018

"The changes are what community members often do to their bikes, so we try to give a variety of modifying ideas of several modifiers, directly to Honda community members, "said Agus Sigit Wicaksono, Wahana Community Development Forum, in his official broadcast Monday (02/07/2018).

Read Also: Reference Change Honda CB150 Verza

  Honda CB150 Verza modified dok.WMS Honda CB150 Verza modified

Agus added that the activities that trigger this creativity, should be positive to the members of the community, when they will modify their bicycles.

"In keeping with Wahana's commitment to support various community activities, we have this title. So, it's not just ngegas but we expect a lot of positive things from the community, "Sigit said.

Various Honda CB150 Verza product changes are presented in audio-visual. Not only see, on this occasion also led questions and answers related changes.

All participants who presented antuas seemed to listen, in addition to asking for tips and tricks, to change the appearance of the engine that they have.

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