KOMPAS.com – On May 29, Transavia Airlines of the Canary Islands, Spain, made an emergency landing in Portugal. Not because of engine damage or other threats, this plane landed to lower pbadengers who had a pungent body odor.
The body odor came from a Russian guitarist named Andrey Suchilin. The smell of Suchilin is so disturbing that it causes complaints and makes other pbadengers faint and vomit.
The staff of the Gran Canaria airline does what it can, including asking this 58 year old man to go to the bathroom. "It seems that he has not been bathed for a few weeks, some pbadengers have become sick and have vomited," said Piet van Haut, one of the pbadengers.
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Eventually, emergency landing planes at Faro, Portugal and Suchilin were removed from the flight. But what happened was really unexpected.
Suchilin and his wife briefly posted on Facebook explaining that they had asked for medical attention before leaving Spain. The doctors told him that he had been exposed to an ordinary beach infection.
As Suchilin was again taken to hospital in Portugal, his condition continued to deteriorate. This time, the doctors diagnosed him with tissue necrosis or premature death of living cells and tissues.
It was immediately decided to put Suchilin in a temporary coma to prevent organ damage.
Unfortunately, the doctors did not manage to save him. Suchilin died on June 25 without waking up.
It is not clear how Asilin's necrosis rotted when he was alive. However, external factors such as infections, lack of oxygen, injuries and inadequate care of wounds, especially near water, could be the cause of decay.
In coastal areas, bacteria affect necrosis. it can flourish under anaerobic conditions, cutting the blood supply to the body tissues, which in turn leads to rot.
This process produces a very strong odor because the tissue decays efficiently. Dead tissue can not be saved, but if necrosis is known from the beginning, the spread of bacteria can be stopped.
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"Unfortunately, early necrosis is easily forgotten, because the symptoms are not specific or confused.Fever, pain, l? swelling and pain in the affected area show mild symptoms, "wrote Allen Cheng an epidemiologist, reported Science Alert Monday (2/7/2018)
In the case of Suchilin, early care are missing for bacteria to spread rapidly to the heart, kidneys and lungs.
Tissue necrosis is actually quite rare. The 2006 report notes that there is only one case per 100,000 people per year, although it varies from one region to the other.
In addition, cases also depend on specific demographic data. Patients with immune deficiency, obesity and diabetes are at high risk of developing this disease.
If you are injured and worried about necrosis, the best thing to do is to keep the wound clean and dressed and to be alert to symptoms.
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"The mark of necrosis is a much more severe pain than expected," Cheng writes
"Like serious minor infections, the skin becomes hard and fades like bruises, and the patient can become very unhealthy with low blood pressure and confusion," he adds
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