Site not accessible, OSS published on July 4th

[ad_1] JAKARTA – The Official Online Single Submissions Site (OSS) Until Monday (07/02/2018) is still not accessible. Meanwhile, the official launch is scheduled for Wednesday (07/04/2018) later.

According to the Business Watch List, the official oss website with the address has not been publicly available. If you open the site, you will find a full status symbol with eagle birds looking to the right with the words "single submission online, getting ready to be better, almost there …" with purple background.

Confirming this conclusion, OSS Director General, Muwasiq M. Noor, revealed that the site will not be accessible to the public before the holding of the OSS launch ceremony.

"It will come out when it is launched, while we will put it on the development site," he replied to Bisnis.

The launch ceremony of the OSS according to him there is no obstacles, will be on Wednesday, July 4, 2018. This launch is indeed waiting for # 39, a schedule of President RI's availability.

According to the information that Business receives, until Tuesday (3/7/2018) the President will still be in Sulawesi for the Peresian of the Central

As we have already said, before the OSS online launch, the Investment Coordination Office (BKPM) has suspended temporary licensing agreements.

BKPM President Thomas Lembong revealed that BKPM had stopped processing the national business license in order to switch to OSS

"BKPM has suspended all license processing and licensing for the time being , the processing of authorizations and the issuance of the permit will happen soon in the Ministry of coordination of Economic Affairs with the OSS system, "he said.

In doing so, the processing of business and investment licenses was deferred at the time of launch.

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