Nine days lost in the cave, 12 Thai teens found safe



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Photos on Facebook that show children declared safe.
Twelve teenagers and their football coaches lost in a cave in Thailand for nine days were found safe

"All have survived, but this mission is not over yet," said the provincial governor of Chiang Rai , Narongsak Osottanakorn. a mbadive search in the cave of Tham Luang, which attracts international attention.

"Our mission is to seek them, save them and bring them home, but until now we have found them."

The governor said that the SAR team would continue to drain the water that flooded the cave, while sending doctors and nurses dive into the cave to check the health of their schoolchildren and football coaches


"If doctors say that their physical condition is strong enough to move, they will be taken out of the cave."

"We will give everything we can until they are healthy and go back to school."

Adolescents aged 11 to 16, accompanied by their football coach, went to the Tham Luang Caves last Saturday (30/06).

However, the explorations led to news that caught the attention of the entire world when heavy rains flooded , flooded the cave filled with the narrow tunnels that they trapped and lost.

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The length of the cave in Chiang Rai province reaches underground miles.

The research was expanded

In addition to the deployment of an elite unit of Thai Navy Seals, an international team of divers also helped in the rescue effort. Yet, they all face difficult conditions underground.

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Divers are approaching what is believed to be the trap of 12 Thai schoolchildren.

Twelve children trapped in the cave are members of the Moo Pa or Wild Boar ball club.

  • 25-year-old badistant coach Ekkapol Janthawong sometimes took them on a trip, including exploring this cave two years ago.
  • The youngest member is & quot; Titan & # 39; Wibrunrungrueang who is 11 years old and started playing ball since the age of seven.
  • Duangpet & # 39; Dom & # 39; Promtep, 13, is a club captain and is considered a group motivator.
  • The head coach, Nopparat Kantawong, did not join the cave explorations this time and stated that the boys – who dreamed of becoming professional footballers – would remain united
  • "I I'm sure they will not ignore, "he told the media. "They will pay attention to each other."

All that is done?

An effort made to save the victims is to lower the water level in the cave. Even though progress is very slow.

The water pump draws 10,000 liters of water from the inside of the cave every hour, but some parts remain flooded.

Meanwhile, the force of observation is almost zero in this area.

The governor of the province, Narongsak Osottanakorn, told reporters that it took the rescue team eight hours to advance up to 600 meters.

Health experts say that the safety of affected survivors depends on the availability of clean water and can last up to eight days even without food.

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Image of youth who was trapped in an underground cave received widespread attention in Thailand.
However, Dr. Somsak Akkasilp, director of the Department of Medical Services, said the victims were exposed to dirty water or physical contact with a number of animals in the cave.

The temperature is between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius and the porous limestone allows enough oxygen to circulate in a cave known to contain water bags containing CO2.

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