Survey: One in three younger generation Russia wants to move abroad


MOSKWA, – Nearly a young generation of Russians aged 18 to 24 on three wishes to leave the country and live abroad. Similarly, according to a survey conducted by the public institute of investigation and published Monday (07/02/2018).

VTsIOM public survey institute asked the young people of Russia how much they want to migrate and ask the country of their choice. [19659002Militarypersonsrequestedthatwouldrequiremustgive31%orabout16%havedeclared"Germanywasthebestchoice

While 7% of respondents wishing to emigrate say they want to move to the United States, followed by Spain with 6% of respondents agreeing to emigrate

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"Surveys were conducted on a number of age groups." 10 people, "said l & # 39; VTsIOM survey agency in a statement.

But according to Stepan Lvov, director of the VTsIOM Institute, the results of the survey can be seen as the attitude of Russian citizens increasingly open to the outside world.

"The results indicate that the generation is close to the Kremlin. Young Russians are increasingly open to the outside world, not necessarily wanting to escape the reality of life in Russia, "he said. AFP

More than 313,000 Russians abroad in 2016 Russia is currently the center of attention of the world public as the host of the prestigious event, the 2018 Football World Cup.

The quality of life of Russian society would have declined during the previous leadership period of Vladimir Putin, increasingly isolated on the world stage.

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This is in addition to the deterioration of the economy due to Western sanctions for the annexation of Crimea to Ukraine.

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