Myanmar is not ready for repatriation, the ICRC and the UN continue to provide their assistance


INDOPOS.CO.ID – Rohingya refugees again invaded the border between Myanmar and Bangladesh until yesterday (2/7). Supposedly, they have started returning to their respective homes in Rakhine State, Myanmar, since January. However, the repatriation agreed between the two countries in November is still in force

"The Rohingyas who want to return to Myanmar need justice and security," said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. at a press conference. According to him, the refugee camps in Bangladesh are no longer viable. However, Rohingya refugees could not be returned to Myanmar without security and safety badurances from the local government.

To Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the Portuguese diplomat insisted that the UN still help Bangladesh to take care of Rohingya refugees. The same was expressed by the President of the World Bank Group, Jim Yong Kim, and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi.

Yesterday they spoke with government officials and visited refugees from Cox's Bazaar District. "Repatriation must be carried out in accordance with international standards and Rohingya refugees must volunteer to return to Myanmar without restraint," Guterres said. More importantly, they have also received security badurances.

"There is still a long way to go before Myanmar is ready to face the wave of repatriation," said Peter Maurer, president of the International Red Cross. Sunday (1/7) Maurer travels to Bangladesh

He meets Rohingya refugees living in Cox & # 39; s Bazar District and talks with them. Previously, he went to Myanmar and took the time to check the camp and transit camps in the country.

According to the Swiss, Myanmar is not ready to receive Rohingya refugees. However, Bangladesh is no longer able to hold them back any longer. For the moment, Bangladesh is counting on the badistance of the ICRC and the United Nations to administer refugees totaling more than 700,000 people.

"The facilities in the acceptance camps and the transit camps are inadequate. The people of Myanmar are not ready to meet with the Rohingyas. "Since the first day of opening in January, we are ready to welcome returnee refugees," said Win Khaing, director of immigration at Nga Khu Ra, in a press release. as reported by the Bangkok Post. In Nga Khu Ra, the government built a refugee camp for Rohingya refugees. Those returning from Bangladesh will be admitted to the camp and a letter of motivation will be made available for the transit camp.

In addition to Nga Khu Ra, the government built a camp at Taungpyoletwei. Refugees who had received administrative supplies from both camps were then transferred to the transit camp, known as the temporary shelter camp. The camp is at Hla Po Khaung. There, Rohingya refugees will receive a debriefing before being repatriated to the settlements of origin.

The Hla Po Kaung camp, which can hold up to 30,000 people in the Western media, is considered a prison. Because the place is also far away and is not equipped with adequate facilities.

To the media, Myanmar has repeatedly stressed that it is ready to receive Rohingya refugees who leave Rakhine because of military repression last August. But when facilities in the camp's reception and transit camps complained of the ICRC, no government representative was ready to respond. Aung San Suu Kyi, state counselor, was also silent

On the other hand, Bangladesh can not wait to return the Rohingya refugees. Once they leave the refugee camps provided by the government, refugees are no longer the responsibility of Bangladesh. However, Maurer asked Bangladesh to be patient. (19pc)
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