Solo-Ngawi Toll is supposed to boost solo tourism


SOLO, – The Kartasura-Sragen toll road of the Solo-Ngawi toll road will be inaugurated in July

PT Solo President Ngawi Jaya (JSN) David Wijayatno said that obtained by the Minister of Public Works and Housing (PUPR) the exploitation license by the decision letter n ° 387 / KPTS / M / 2018 of June 8, 2018.

According to David, the presence of this road toll will promote the smooth flow of goods and mobility traffic of people from Solo to Ngawi and beyond

Read also: The Solo-Ngawi tariff is cheaper than the project

Its benefits to users of the toll roads of Yogyakarta, Semarang or Salatiga that will go to Sragen or Ngawi do not need to go to Solo City

While before the road users must drive an hour to an hour and a half longer when they are stranded

"By the way by the toll of Ngasem or Kartasura from Colomadu to Sragen can be reached in 20 minutes or 25 minutes, at a speed of about 80 kilometers to 100 kilometers per hour, "said David at Monday (07/02/2018)

Relative to the positive impact for Solo, according to David, it is very significant. This is because Solo is not a transit city but a destination city, thus attracting tourists to come and visit.

In addition, David Solo has advantages over other cities in some areas such as cooking, culture and tourism. 2018 Asian Games painted on the walls of the house and warehouse in Pucangsawit Village, Pucangsawit Village, Jebres Subdistrict, Solo City, Central Java, Saturday (30/6/2018). "/> Zamani Games 2018 Asian painted on the wall of the house and warehouse in the village of Pucangsawit, sub-district of Pucangsawit, sub-district Jebres, Solo City, Central Java, Saturday (30/6/2018)

According to the Solo Mayor FX Hadi Rudyatmo is a unique, plural city with many tourist destinations ranging from culinary, batik, museum.

The Government of Surakarta City has itself created a comprehensive tourist concept that combines art and tourist performance (19659002) Rudy mentioned that there are several new tourist destinations that are the mainstay of Solo City, such as the Galabo Culinary Zone, Tirtonadi Water Tourism and the Jurug Wildlife Park

Solo-Ngawi is designed for 90.25 kilometers The toll road has been open toll-free from June 8 and still continues to this day.

Although without taruf, PT JSN has implemented a toll transaction system using electronic money since 26 June. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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