Sleeping on the classroom every night, this master Nangis may surprise his students


TRIBUNPEKANBARU.COM – The story of this teacher makes the viewer touch.

A teacher who sleeps on the floor of the clbadroom because his unpaid wages get a heartbreaking shock from his students.

a teacher is a very difficult profession, and sometimes they are disinterested.

Even being a substitute teacher may be more difficult for some people

This is what makes the story of a substitute teacher from the public school Balbina Viana Arrais in Brejo. Saint Bruno (19659007) Bruno

Bruno ()

But he seems to have established a close connection with his followers,

He was known as a music teacher.

Reporting, Bruno was called urgently by the school to replace the teacher at the school who was

Bruno states that he "just wants to to be a teacher ", and when his students discover his difficult situation, they collect money for him

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