The Israeli-Palestinian peace proposal is in doubt


The White House must be led by great people

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, RAMALLAH – A senior Palestinian official denounced US President Donald Trump on Wednesday (4/7) and called the "man real estate & # 39; "can not resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict The declaration was revealed by the Secretary-General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Saeb Erekat

" The White House must be led by people formidable, not men real estate and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will not be solved by pbading the man real estate "he said as quoted from the page the Times of Israel Thursday (5/7).

It is said Erekat, Palestinian Authority (PA) will continue clearing the families of jailed or dead Palestinians, after Israel approved the law this week to hold millions of dollars. 39, taxes it levies for Palestine.

The Israeli movement worsens the fiscal crisis for Palestinians who have been hit by cuts in Palestinian aid Mahmoud Abbas any contact with Washington about the Admission of Tr ump for mentioning Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in December, which resulted in the exclusion of Palestinians (19459008) Al-Quds urged the Palestinians to reject the Trump government's peace plan.

Earlier, the US special envoy Donald Trump, Jared Kushner in an interview to the Palestinian newspaper Erekat responded to Kushner's interview by stating in a statement that the peace plan was an attempt to consolidate Israeli colonial control over Palestinian land

"Clear and simple: Palestine and Palestinian rights are not for sale". (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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