Beautiful and intelligent, 35 years old became minister – VIVA


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VIVA – Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad inaugurated a number of ministers earlier this week. Syed Saddiq is one of the highlights.

The 25-year-old minister became the youngest member of Mahathir's cabinet. He has been responsible for being Minister of Youth and Sports. In addition to Syed, the name of the other minister who is also in the spotlight is Yeo Bee Yin.

The 35-year-old woman was appointed Minister of Energy, Technology, Science, Climate Change and Environment Malaysia. The Daily Sun Minister of Women born May 26, 1983, is also Vice President of the Hope Youth Expedition and Party of Democratic Action Party Advertising (DAP).

The youngest woman in Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad's cabinet began his career in politics at the age of 29. At that time, he participated for the first time in the 13th elections. Yeo was elected as a deputy in Damansara Utama district, in the state of Selangor.

He won 30,689 seats. And he made him the youngest member of the Council of Representatives of the State of Selangor. In the 14th election, he returned to his native Johor and won 23,211 majority votes. This is the highest vote ever reached in a parliamentary constituency.

Yeo is an experienced engineer. He graduated from the Chemical Engineering Department of the Petronas University of Technology with the title of first clbad distinction. In addition, he also dropped Advanced Chemical Engineering from the University of Cambridge, UK. He is a prestigious Cambridge Scholar Award recipient for his graduate studies.

In addition to being known for his intelligence and achievements, Yeo is also very generous. Options the Edge Not only does Yeo offer free clbades to students from poor families, but it also runs a monthly food bank program that meets the basic needs of many people in need. He is also working with the DAP Impian Malaysia movement, which is an initial project in Kampung Sait, Serawak, which aims to improve basic infrastructure, such as roads, water and electricity for the community. (Ren)

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