Menparin Airlangga Hartarto Rural Car Jajal, Begini reviews


Not just a visit to the KMW rural car badembly plant owned by PT Valesto Indonesia, the Minister of Industry RI Airlangga Hartarto also tested the car directly.

Follow-up Airlangga accompanied by Kiat Mahesa Wintor, Director of Plant & Engineering Division Indonesia Muhamad Yasin

"I want to try, excuse me," said Airlangga while starting the engine KMW in the industrial area of ​​Delta Silicon 3, Cikarang, Bekasi. 7/2018).

Although a little difficulty has entered the KMW door, Airlangga does not look so concerned about it. Instead, he seemed confident that the first car was making everything go well.

Indeed, the man who also served as president of the Golkar party immediately flew away without a hitch. He was also a few hundred meters from the tip of the car in the parking lot.

So how's the comment? "It's nicer than yesterday," Airlangga told guests laughing.

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